Acappella tap dance and vocals!

in #tap9 years ago (edited)


My friend Hannah is an incredibly talented tapper. I love to sing. We wanted to make cover videos together but came up with this idea instead...

Each week, we will release a 30 second instagram video. Just a snippet of her talent and mine combined! Acappella vocals and tap dance. Our first one is below... I've got lots of ideas but open to hear feedback! thanks guys!


Nice collaboration. As a fellow musician, I also think it's extremely important to gauge and receive feedback from our audience, listeners and viewers alike. Sometimes fellow musicians, avid indulgers, or casual appreciators can be our harshest critics. For this piece, I can definitely sense the talent and feel the direction of this idea. The choice of room however doesn't give justice to your vocal ability, it could have been the echo chamber of open space and also the direction of your voice more aimed at your friend to make a human connection more so than towards the microphone on your recorder, but it picks up the tapping quite well. You and your friend did good, maybe you can structure a song style rhythm as well as mix in some freestyle improv and solo pieces interchanging from the both of you. The more you practice together the more the chemistry will grow and the muscle memory acquired through the process will show some more amazing moments captured. Keep creating and thanks for sharing. Upvoted