Yeah, well, it works. Those cards make sense. I was just throwing some darts, just to hit a treble 20, but I couldn't hit it. So I asked the cards, what is that all about? I told it what layout I would draw, in what order, and it simply showed me. It's the Page of Swords, because of the Magician and the Hermit. I'm the page of darts, and I need more practice, says the Galactic Federation of Worlds for magical purposes I cannot comprehend yet. The next dart I threw was a hit.
And the first question I asked; did I get it right concerning the possible causes of mandela effects? I layed out a Kachina Knife Spread for that question, but I did not get an answer. It just told me how I perceive those effects, what it has done to me. I made a photograph of that layout...
That tower moment, that was when I first heard about the mandela effect, June 4, 2017. That's when my reality became fluid, and reality started to change. An entire dimension was opening up, and so I started to research, what could cause things to change in the past? Currently - Three of Wands - there's all new territory ahead of me. It will lead to enlightenment, whatever that may be. The Hanged Man refers to the new insights it will give me. My/Our/The new perspective on reality.
The Sun and the Three of Swords, yeah, well... Keep your hands off of children!
Death and the Page of Wands.
I haven't exactly studied it yet. I should still look up the exact meanings of some of the cards, and their positions in this layout.
I noticed when I don't really have anything to ask, I should leave it alone. It did tell me that already. Don't draw a card for every screw loose, and don't ask pointless questions. Those cards are serious about stuff, don't bother them with crap. They were clear about that. It says I can trust them. Whenever I need them, I can trust them.
It also said it likes the crystals, but it also told me not to bother too much. The crystals are close enough as they are, I don't need to lay them all out every time I ask a question.
I think it does like some silver, but it ain't necessary. Just keep smoking, and the cards will take care of the rest.
Thank you for your interest, Fergus.
I will let you know when I get some remarkable results regarding the war they wage on us, or other matters if there are any.
Have a nice evening!
President of my own republic.
And Vice-President, etc, etc.
(The Dutch king seriously signs his titles like that: Bla of Bla and Bla of Bla et cetera et cetera.)