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RE: New Deck of Tarot Cards

in #tarot2 years ago

The Fool and the 10 of Cups seem like a perfect combo for the cards to present to you. I feel like you will feel something like a reunion as you start to work with the cards.
I am excited for your tarot journey, @myqlos. I am also interested in your results as you use different techniques to harmonize with the cards.


Yeah, well, it works. Those cards make sense. I was just throwing some darts, just to hit a treble 20, but I couldn't hit it. So I asked the cards, what is that all about? I told it what layout I would draw, in what order, and it simply showed me. It's the Page of Swords, because of the Magician and the Hermit. I'm the page of darts, and I need more practice, says the Galactic Federation of Worlds for magical purposes I cannot comprehend yet. The next dart I threw was a hit.

And the first question I asked; did I get it right concerning the possible causes of mandela effects? I layed out a Kachina Knife Spread for that question, but I did not get an answer. It just told me how I perceive those effects, what it has done to me. I made a photograph of that layout...


That tower moment, that was when I first heard about the mandela effect, June 4, 2017. That's when my reality became fluid, and reality started to change. An entire dimension was opening up, and so I started to research, what could cause things to change in the past? Currently - Three of Wands - there's all new territory ahead of me. It will lead to enlightenment, whatever that may be. The Hanged Man refers to the new insights it will give me. My/Our/The new perspective on reality.
The Sun and the Three of Swords, yeah, well... Keep your hands off of children!
Death and the Page of Wands.
I haven't exactly studied it yet. I should still look up the exact meanings of some of the cards, and their positions in this layout.

I noticed when I don't really have anything to ask, I should leave it alone. It did tell me that already. Don't draw a card for every screw loose, and don't ask pointless questions. Those cards are serious about stuff, don't bother them with crap. They were clear about that. It says I can trust them. Whenever I need them, I can trust them.
It also said it likes the crystals, but it also told me not to bother too much. The crystals are close enough as they are, I don't need to lay them all out every time I ask a question.
I think it does like some silver, but it ain't necessary. Just keep smoking, and the cards will take care of the rest.

Thank you for your interest, Fergus.
I will let you know when I get some remarkable results regarding the war they wage on us, or other matters if there are any.

Have a nice evening!

President of my own republic.
And Vice-President, etc, etc.

(The Dutch king seriously signs his titles like that: Bla of Bla and Bla of Bla et cetera et cetera.)

There's a formula 1 race tomorrow. This is how the race will be for Max Verstappen. It looks to me like he's gonna win, which wouldn't be a surprise. I think his odds are better than 1 to 1. At least according to bookmakers his odds are better than that. I think the odds should be about 1 to 4. So, if you'd bet a buck, you would either win a quarter, or lose a buck.
The cards say you would win a quarter. Not worth it. Maybe if you bet the podium; 1, 2 and 3 correct, it could be worth it.

He ain't just gonna win. He will remain to be the world champion for 2023, 2024 ... well, read the cards. He did all the work, he laid the fundament, and he will rule for years to come.

Edit: I composed this post just before Max Verstappen was eliminated from the qualifications in 15th place, due to technical problems. He will start 15th on the grid tomorrow. Last year he did win a race from the 15th grid spot.

As you can clearly see in this layout, I asked about finances.
This picture was taken only a minute ago...


If the Tower and 3 of Swords are the past, that looks pretty good!

The past is in the top. The current situation is in the center. The tower is in the near future. 😉

This is the Kachina Knife Spread

When I asked about a dog, the Seven of Pentacles came up. Looks like I'm exhausted. Too exhausted to go on a walk every day. That's why I haven't manifested another dog yet. It was a Kachina Knife Spread. The Hermit came up on the top left position. I don't remember all the cards. I remember only the result: It's all up to me.