I just felt like fetching the Tarot cards, so I did. I even tried to resist it, but my intuition said don't. So, I took the cards, started shuffling them, but I did not have a specific question. So I decided to do a general reading for the coming week, including today, May 9. For seven days, so it does not include next Tuesday. It's about Tuesday, May 9 to Monday, May 15.
At first sight, that looks pretty good. The central card, the most significant one, is the Sun. That's a very positive card. But I want to look deeper into this. Remote viewers, crystal ball whisperers and tarot card interpreters all sensed a sudden change in energy, half way this month.
The Hierophant is like the pope, like the dalai lama. In Dutch this card is called the High Priest. The male version of the High Priestess. The spiritual leader. So, as a spiritual leader, it could be interpreted positively. We could use some spiritual guidance. But this guy is religious, and we don't need that. So, let's focus on the spiritual aspect. It is aspected by the Three of Wands. That card looks pretty spiritual to me.
On the right, we see the Nine of Wands. This guy is waiting for something to happen. There's something ominous about to happen. You can see it in his eyes.
On top, in the recent past, there has been movement. Positive movement. Positive developments. The Chariot is a positive card in motion. And it's fast too. Things have been speeding up lately, so it says.
In the center, the now, there's the Sun card. Children are being liberated, so it seems. This card does specifically refer to children.
Beneath that, in the future, we got the Six of Swords, moving away from danger. The Three of Wands is looking into the future, which is empty, it is yet to be filled in, it will be manifested by collective consciousness. So, it's important to think positive, because your thoughts create reality. On a personal level as well as collectively.
Then we got the Page of Pentacles on the right. He's a student, and brings good news. So, I expect a pretty positive week. Aside from more train derailments, collapsing bridges, earthquakes, tsunamis, but we're winning.
It's an honor to be reading these cards for you. Thank you very much for reading what I had to say about these. Your time is precious.
Have a really nice day!
Kind regards,
President of my own little republic