introducing myself Susan Moore Love

in #tattoo8 years ago (edited)

moore love all...
I'm susan moore love...currently live in Brisbane, passionate about the ongoing corruption enforce by our governments, from flouride in our water, chemtrails over my home, vaccinations damaging millions of children all over the world,based on corrupt science, the poncy scheme called the banking system,the hidden cures for health,from how harmful the cures are, from mammograms to chemo and radition to allopathic drugs that harm...I could go on and on,but I think you get the gist of it.
I give back to the community by tattooing cancer survivors for free.
my life motto is
"what does the world need? moore love"
moore love all
sue moore love1930988_37399044275_2059_n.jpg1930988_37399044275_2059_n.jpg9-3147080-ips080216mooretattoos_t460.jpgsharonbreast.jpg


what you do is super!

My motto was/is: "Me? Today i have no time to die". i was 10 years old and have received laryngeal cancer. This was 1966. Read my report in steem:

I think what you do is a beautiful form of art and the big act od kindness... Glad to see good people like you here :)
Followed and upvoted :)

@susanmoorelove - welcome. I know what you mean about cures being withheld. I had my first heart attack at the ripe old age of 30. I followed the prescribed low fat low cholesterol diet religiously. Second heart attack at 34! I later found out that fat isn't the enemy - refined sugar is. I also found out, much later, that chelation therapy can help reverse clogging in the arteries. I was losing feeling in my feet and hands - pains in my legs and arms - all due, according to the doctors, all due to plaque clogging those arteries just like my heart. I finally went and paid for chelation therapy and guess what...? The feeling in my feet and hands stabilized and started to come back a bit. The pains in my legs and arms left. The doctors did another scan/review and the plaque in my arm and leg arteries was gone. It also meant that I went TWICE as long between getting additional stents in my heart arteries.

The sad part - all the doctors still say that chelation therapy for clogged arteries is bogus - fake science. I am a witness, as are dozens of others I know - whose real time scans show that chelation works.

I hope you stay healthy, happy, and that you enjoy life!

Bless and goodluck