@susanmoorelove - welcome. I know what you mean about cures being withheld. I had my first heart attack at the ripe old age of 30. I followed the prescribed low fat low cholesterol diet religiously. Second heart attack at 34! I later found out that fat isn't the enemy - refined sugar is. I also found out, much later, that chelation therapy can help reverse clogging in the arteries. I was losing feeling in my feet and hands - pains in my legs and arms - all due, according to the doctors, all due to plaque clogging those arteries just like my heart. I finally went and paid for chelation therapy and guess what...? The feeling in my feet and hands stabilized and started to come back a bit. The pains in my legs and arms left. The doctors did another scan/review and the plaque in my arm and leg arteries was gone. It also meant that I went TWICE as long between getting additional stents in my heart arteries.
The sad part - all the doctors still say that chelation therapy for clogged arteries is bogus - fake science. I am a witness, as are dozens of others I know - whose real time scans show that chelation works.
I hope you stay healthy, happy, and that you enjoy life!