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RE: Cryptocurrencies will make Central Banks Ineffective- A true Confession of Ex-Trump Chief Strategist Bannon

in #tax7 years ago

ur post was at $14.96 so i just had to push it up to $15, I couldn't resist , it was satisfying to see it ht $15.01

Thanks for the comment, I am lookin through your blogs an I see you are posting about crypto a lot and yeah that's always safe bet, but I need more stuff from reddit and less crypto, maybe but I just wantmroe reddit stuff also from I want to see the sort of 'what you mised on reddit" type posts that I used to make where I show what people msised on reddit that dy an give STEM alt he best content of the day

so if you made pots like that I could would cosider followng, I just need more "What you missed on reddit" type posts that compile all the top[ 10 or 15 posts form a Popular Subreddit (Pics work bets or r/videos) and then mkes posts on steem so we don't mis out or have to visit r/bitcoin

Thank again for the nice comment on my recet post!