Cryptocurrencies will make Central Banks Ineffective- A true Confession of Ex-Trump Chief Strategist Bannon

in #tax7 years ago (edited)

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It is well known by crypto lovers that government, central bankers, big banking cooperations are after cryptocurrency for one main reason which is its decentralized disruptive technology that will eventually see people free from servitude from government control, taxation and censorship.

This assertion is corraborated by Avi Mizrahi in his submittion in Bitcoin news where he pointed out that;

Bitcoin has always been considered by its staunch supporters a tool to bring about personal financial freedom from government control and censorship as well as taxation via inflation. As such, most political players shun the cryptocurrency when they are in power as it threatens their position. Once out of power they are freer to appreciate the freedom a decentralized economy may bring, as exemplified by someone who was once one of the most powerful men in Washington, Steve Bannon, now hailing cryptocurrencies as the key to national liberation.

More so, Avi Mizrahi in his article titled "Ex-Trump Chief Strategist Bannon: Cryptocurrencies Make Central Banks Redundant" The former Trump Chief strategist stated the obvious which all crypto lovers knows already ...;

U.S. President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist, Steve Bannon, has said in a speech on Tuesday that blockchain-based cryptocurrencies can help bring about liberation for Western nations from under the control of all powerful central banks such as the Federal Reserve and the ECB and the ruling “permanent political class.”
“Central banks are in the business of debasing your currency,” he proclaimed. “Central governments are in the business of debasing your citizenship.” However, Bannon reassured that audience that with the use of cryptocurrencies “We take control of the central banks away. That will give us the power again.”

Furthermore, in another title "International Economic Nationalism" Avi Mizrahi submission further highlighted...

The former executive chairman of the alt right platform Breitbart News, which served a pivotal role in the election of President Trump according to many American political observers, was speaking to a crowd of 1,500 right wing Europeans in Zurich, Switzerland on Tuesday. He has been touring Europe with his message of economic nationalism, seeking to empower new local populist parties in the region to achieve victory over the establishment as he has done in the latest US elections.
More so,
According to Bannon, it isn’t only central banks that cryptocurrencies can help defeat but also powerful Silicon Valley corporations like Google and Facebook. By letting them control all our personal data and mine it for their profit we have given over our identities to these tech giants, making the average man into nothing more but a “serf”, he asserts.
However, he assured that with the help of cryptocurrencies victory is possible. “Control of data, citizenship and currency will be true freedom,” Bannon told the Swiss crowd.

But is Bannon totally correct that cryptocurrency will be allowed by governments to acheive that level of freedom for mankind? In my former blog titled "Taxing cyrptocurrencies & Two leading world economies different approaches" I did post on how the US IRS plans to tax cryptocurrency earnings and the German system of approach in taxation which goes to show that for cryptocurrency lovers be allowed to do their business, they must submit some of their freedom through taxation.

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As usual, a good post indeed. For me there is no way crypto gonna be left alone by govt if they don't get a chunk of the booty. Best is make it semi decentralized in some countries and any location that gives total authonomy should expect more investors. Nice one. Upped

Good point. But doesn't this defeat the real characteristics of how a decentralized business is to be?

ur post was at $14.96 so i just had to push it up to $15, I couldn't resist , it was satisfying to see it ht $15.01

Thanks for the comment, I am lookin through your blogs an I see you are posting about crypto a lot and yeah that's always safe bet, but I need more stuff from reddit and less crypto, maybe but I just wantmroe reddit stuff also from I want to see the sort of 'what you mised on reddit" type posts that I used to make where I show what people msised on reddit that dy an give STEM alt he best content of the day

so if you made pots like that I could would cosider followng, I just need more "What you missed on reddit" type posts that compile all the top[ 10 or 15 posts form a Popular Subreddit (Pics work bets or r/videos) and then mkes posts on steem so we don't mis out or have to visit r/bitcoin

Thank again for the nice comment on my recet post!

very informative post....deserve upvote and resteem :)

Tks and let's keep in touch 😎

you are welcome my friend :)

I only have one thing to say..


Hahaha. Funny but that's how it is. 👌

This post has received gratitude of 2.01% from @appreciator courtesy of @kenhudoy!

I agree with you that if government accept cryptocurrecy it will have effect on the bank. But I also think that both of them will complement each other. Nice work as usual. Upped.

Tks hynet . Keep it up