Today, a letter arrived out of the blue from the IRS stating, "We assigned your overdue tax account to a private collection agency." Overdue tax account? That's news to me. They included a friendly pamphlet that states,
Our Mission
Provide America's taxpayers top quality service by helping them understand and meet their tax responsibilities and enforce the law with integrity and fairness to all."
What a load of lies. They exist to subjugate us to the government. They feed the war machine and the police state. There is no responsibility to pay an extortionist, only the pragmatic avoidance of the harm they threaten. That isn't integrity or fairness, though, and the "laws" they enforce are the opinions of distant strangers who do not represent me in any way, shape, or form. Arguments that even government's monopolized "good" services are worth the cost have no basis for this calculation, and they ignore all the evils done in our names by these thieving usurpers.
Of course, they say you can't fight city hall, so I may be in for a world of financial hurt. Slavery never died, it was just monopolized by the State. We'll see what happens.
without taxes how would you defend your property rights?
With bullets, fire, and armoured vehicles.
how will you afford armoured vehicles? With what will you purchase them with?
The money you save by not being robbed.
the money? where is this money coming from?
So your a anarchist communist ? ...... like perform anarchy as a group ? A form of anarchy that has no room for the individual human and is controlled by some form of government and made up law ?
That's not anarchy by far , you just use the word to sound cool , your so deluded and should move to China as that is the form you promote out of fear not belonging to a group for your safety and protection . Stop being scared , stop living in constant fear , get free .
Just because you're incapable of doing a simple google search doesn't mean that I'm a chinese spy. Try harder, dumbass.
Um... Steem? Bitcoin? etc. Etc.
You're going to use bitcoin to buy a tank when the government collapses? How will you get to this tank? Delivery? Via what?
Not this shit again. Government is the greatest threat to legitimate property rights, as demonstrated by literally everything they actually do. Taxation, eminent domain, licenses, civil asset forfeiture, prohibitions, war, immigration control...
As for security, they are a monopoly with all the waste and abuse monopolies always entail, but in spades.
You will not hold on to property without the government helping you. You'll be trampled and murdered in minutes.
Government agents don't defend property rights, they come in after the fact of any said property violation to scribble on paper and clean up the bodies.
Cattle and sheep always think they would die without the farmer, and rightfully so.
The only reason you have a house is because of the government in your nation state.
You've gotta be kidding me. I'm Puerto Rican my grandfather built our neighborhood from the ground up on a damn mountain with absolutely no help from the government but San Juan bureaucrats think they can come to our town and charge us taxes for the town we built ourselves. Not only that but the grid system in Puerto Rico isn't privatized, and it's absolutely horrendous. We pay less for electricity by buying a generator instead of relying on government electricity.
Sadly Puerto Rico is imperialized and ruined by the united states government, however that being said, if it weren't for that government you would have been bulldozed completely by other bands of death squads by now. History is important.
Does your mommy know you're on her computer?
You're literally not tall enough for this ride. This coaster is for the big kids. You'll have to stick with the tilt-a-whirl, or something more your speed.
Society predates the State, so your analysis is flawed. The State is in the business of trampling and murdering and especially plundering after society creates wealth for it to parasitically feed upon. And they make sure to scatter just enough crumbs for sycophants to imagine it's a benevolent institution somehow.
so you're arguing for hunter gatherer tribes? Or feudalism? Because both of those things had far less people and far more natural resources.
Hunter-gatherer? If you want.
Feudalism? No. What could possibly give you that idea? Feudal title has no relation whatsoever to property rights as defined by homesteading and voluntary exchange.
It's as if you have never encountered the ideas you wish to ridicule. All you have are strawman arguments, false dichotomies, appeals to emotion, and personal attacks. It seems the left is completely ignorant of ideas outside the political mainstream and their own circles. I could suggest some reading material if you like.
I reiterate: Because both of those things had far less people and far more natural resources.
I Wouldn't concede anything at this point.
A few years back we had the IRS claim we owed them some money. My wife made it through several lower level extortion agents, eventually a supervisor and went line by line down the tax form finally reaching the conclusion that their claim that we owed money was incorrect.
I obviously don't know your situation, but understand you are dealing with a greater level of incompetent bureau-rats than one can even imagine.
Many years ago (25? 30?) my first wife (now ex) got a "friendly" letter from the IRS saying she "owed" them. She ignored it and nothing ever came of it. Makes me wonder if they sometimes send out letters hoping someone will be scared into confessing or something.
I think that is precisely the case. More often than not.
The IRS is a phishing scam.
Good luck with your conflict with them. They're always looking for a quick buck but never really willing to actually redistribute the wealth they stole. It's all just smoke and mirrors.