So your a anarchist communist ? ...... like perform anarchy as a group ? A form of anarchy that has no room for the individual human and is controlled by some form of government and made up law ?
That's not anarchy by far , you just use the word to sound cool , your so deluded and should move to China as that is the form you promote out of fear not belonging to a group for your safety and protection . Stop being scared , stop living in constant fear , get free .
U use anti racist in the same line where you ensure us you are a white girl , why ? Dos it matter ? that you are white , to you ? It's the same contradiction that i find in anarchist communist , and yes i did google it , and could not stop laughing about how pure dictatorship like in China and N Korea is explained there while hiding al things wrong whit it behind a false anarchy . I never said you are a Chinese spy or connect you to them , you just did that yourself , i just pointed out the flaws in your deluded thinking . And any form of communism is always fascist as it promotes a leader to worship and follow blindly . Please get your mind fixed before calling me a dumbass without putting any base logic or structure in your comments . Start backing up your deluded one liners whit some logic or civilised defence " peaceful white girl " , or be silence and learn about true freedom where al are equal but never the same , I , i and I .
Keep gaming , you might learn some truth right there as fear can be easily ignored in virtual reality . Stop reading google promoted wiki pages and start thinking yourself again , i wish you a peaceful existence and bright future to .
So to you being WHITE is specifying your race ?.... sorry , but to me on this planet there is only one human race made up of al kinds of colors , so specifying your race by color sounds very racist to me , like , i am white , i am special .
We are al equal but never the same , anarchist communism where communism is the part that brings enforcement to ensure we al stay equal , a part that then must be managed by something , human or even AI ....... the path to hell is paved with good intentions , dream on and wake up in hell one day or wake up now .
And your right , you do not contradict yourself because i don't use search sites , me being a idiot and not searching interweb for bogus info has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that You contradict yourself in your writings . You spoke truth in the whole sentence but miserably failed to comply to the content where you , in my vision , contradict yourself . Your only defence is telling me i am an idiot and should go read wiki on it . Then this is the second time you show a aggressive response , i begin to think your also not as peaceful as you want us to know you are . Anarcho communist's , or better deluded contradiction's as you just gave some fine examples of this kind of brain damage that gets worse among the sheeple day by day .
the money? where is this money coming from?
So your a anarchist communist ? ...... like perform anarchy as a group ? A form of anarchy that has no room for the individual human and is controlled by some form of government and made up law ?
That's not anarchy by far , you just use the word to sound cool , your so deluded and should move to China as that is the form you promote out of fear not belonging to a group for your safety and protection . Stop being scared , stop living in constant fear , get free .
Just because you're incapable of doing a simple google search doesn't mean that I'm a chinese spy. Try harder, dumbass.
U use anti racist in the same line where you ensure us you are a white girl , why ? Dos it matter ? that you are white , to you ? It's the same contradiction that i find in anarchist communist , and yes i did google it , and could not stop laughing about how pure dictatorship like in China and N Korea is explained there while hiding al things wrong whit it behind a false anarchy . I never said you are a Chinese spy or connect you to them , you just did that yourself , i just pointed out the flaws in your deluded thinking . And any form of communism is always fascist as it promotes a leader to worship and follow blindly . Please get your mind fixed before calling me a dumbass without putting any base logic or structure in your comments . Start backing up your deluded one liners whit some logic or civilised defence " peaceful white girl " , or be silence and learn about true freedom where al are equal but never the same , I , i and I .
Keep gaming , you might learn some truth right there as fear can be easily ignored in virtual reality . Stop reading google promoted wiki pages and start thinking yourself again , i wish you a peaceful existence and bright future to .
how is specifying my race racist? lmao
anarchist communism has no leaders, we are all equals in society.
Again, because you don't know how to use google or bing or duckduckgo doesn't mean I am contradicting myself. You're an idiot.
So to you being WHITE is specifying your race ?.... sorry , but to me on this planet there is only one human race made up of al kinds of colors , so specifying your race by color sounds very racist to me , like , i am white , i am special .
We are al equal but never the same , anarchist communism where communism is the part that brings enforcement to ensure we al stay equal , a part that then must be managed by something , human or even AI ....... the path to hell is paved with good intentions , dream on and wake up in hell one day or wake up now .
And your right , you do not contradict yourself because i don't use search sites , me being a idiot and not searching interweb for bogus info has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that You contradict yourself in your writings . You spoke truth in the whole sentence but miserably failed to comply to the content where you , in my vision , contradict yourself . Your only defence is telling me i am an idiot and should go read wiki on it . Then this is the second time you show a aggressive response , i begin to think your also not as peaceful as you want us to know you are . Anarcho communist's , or better deluded contradiction's as you just gave some fine examples of this kind of brain damage that gets worse among the sheeple day by day .
space period space