So to you being WHITE is specifying your race ?.... sorry , but to me on this planet there is only one human race made up of al kinds of colors , so specifying your race by color sounds very racist to me , like , i am white , i am special .
We are al equal but never the same , anarchist communism where communism is the part that brings enforcement to ensure we al stay equal , a part that then must be managed by something , human or even AI ....... the path to hell is paved with good intentions , dream on and wake up in hell one day or wake up now .
And your right , you do not contradict yourself because i don't use search sites , me being a idiot and not searching interweb for bogus info has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that You contradict yourself in your writings . You spoke truth in the whole sentence but miserably failed to comply to the content where you , in my vision , contradict yourself . Your only defence is telling me i am an idiot and should go read wiki on it . Then this is the second time you show a aggressive response , i begin to think your also not as peaceful as you want us to know you are . Anarcho communist's , or better deluded contradiction's as you just gave some fine examples of this kind of brain damage that gets worse among the sheeple day by day .
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