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RE: Alleged Victim of Dollar Vigilante's TDV Immigration Comes Forward And Tells His Personal Story

in #tdv8 years ago

My name is Chris Martin and TDV Immigration is my company. Mr. Berwick has not been involved in it for many years (in fact he's never really been involved as prior it was run by Mr. Johnson).

Mr. Schmidt, can you please provide your invoice issued by TDV?

Based on our records, you signed up for RESIDENCY services only, and NOT citizenship. Or did you forget that before slandering Mr. Berwick and making false allegations?

You also failed to disclose certain things in your family members' past, that I will not disclose in detail, i.e. criminal charges, which caused the extended delay.

You are very fortunate that we have the best immigration lawyers in Asuncion otherwise your entire family group would have been rejected by Immigration across-the-board.

But in the end, you DID get your residency, as advertised.

The delay was on your end, not ours.

Yet you have the audacity to slander the company and make up stories when a simple paper trail, i.e. invoices, shows that you are concocting a lie?

As for Mr. Johnson, I never met the man.

However, Ken was very helpful when I transitioned from the State Department to TDV in 2012 so perhaps it's just a misunderstanding.

I honestly don't know. That is between TDV and the Chilean group and the lawyers.

I trust the legal system and it's not my place to pass judgment.

All I know is, that 15 years ago, when Doug Casey "introduced" me to Jeff, I was a nobody, and certainly with no money.

Jeff (just like Doug), took me to dinner in Hong Kong and answered every question I ever had. And he never asked a thing from me in return.

At the end, he only wished me well and told me to "keep in touch".

I know that doing business in narco-states is treacherous. Whether in Mexico, or Paraguay, or Peru, or Venezuela, etc etc.

Those are the risks that clients accept when they want to do business in failed, narco-states.

All I/we can do as service providers is to guide you through the process, as flawed as it might be.

We have the best agents from Saint Kitts to Cyprus, from Dubai to Malaysia, from Dominica to the Comoros Islands.

We might not be the cheapest, but we guarantee we have the best customer service anywhere you will find offshore!


Chris, I notice that the TDV website has no privacy policy, which is of course a major oversight you might want to fix.

But I wonder if it's the policy of TDV to go around posting in public about your dealings with your customers. Kevin might be wise to review any contract he had with you in order to see if you were bound by any sort of confidentiality.

If you don't contractually guarantee your clients confidentiality, that's an indictment of your service right there, but something you can start fixing. If you do contractually promise confidentiality, then clearly your promises, and your word(s), are utterly worthless because you just immutably informed the whole world of your client's private dealings.

Are you a lawyer? If so, I wonder if you breached attorney-client privilege.

In any case, do you not consider it bad form to discuss your clients' business in public? Or is that standard TDV policy?

Also, Berwick was never involved, you claim? Then why does the company use his business name, The Dollar Vigilante? And why does he promote it? And why is there a skype video of him dealing with a customer complaint about it?

Hi Chris. Actually, I have nothing to really say about you also, since as you mentioned, we have never met.

Though, I must disagree with you on what you seem to be saying about payments made for the Mexico passport/citizenship program that TDV is said to have been operating in 2013, 2014 and 2015. I have communications from people who lost large amounts of money to TDV, and they sent money to the bank account that Berwick is the signor on in Canada, at CIBC. I was provided the wire transfer instructions that were provided to these clients from TDV and the amounts taken, and lost.

Are you still operating the Mexico passport/citizenship program?

Has Berwick or TDV repaid all of the money that TDV took in from this program?

It has been said by one TDV client that Berwick, and presumably you, folded the company that was accepting money for the Mexico passport program. Is this true? What is the current corporate entity that is managing what appears to be your on-going operations?

Thank you in advance for your response to these comments and questions.

Whlie we're on the topic of second passports, is the grifter, Kenneth Dale Johnson, posting here under the name "galtsgulch," the criminal under investigation for three felonies in Chile with regards to his $10 million theft from 73 families in his Galt's Gulch Chile affinity fraud, going to expose his other crime of stealing $150k of client money through his Paraguay passport scam?

Con man Ken Johnson exposed his criminality in the Paraguay passport scam in an interview with Christopher Cantwell. Go to this link for a blog post about the interview as well as the link to the recording:

Johnson's crimes against the GGC investors are detailed on our website: Johnson is a congenital liar. Even if something he says has an element of truth, he will use that little bit of truth to deceive.

hehe, you guys were a bunch of amateurs back then :) - Cheers <3 From Perú.

Wonderful to hear from you Catharine Cuthbert, or maybe this is "Terrence Gilespie", or maybe Josh Kirley, or maybe alter ego "Eddie Willers." It seems like Catharine Cuthbert's vindictive writing style, so I'll assume it is you. I'll rebuke the information on your websites, and from your false online aliases, in due course. You don't want to admit that there are thousands of emails, signed documents and much more that are contradictory to your false narrative, so we will allow the courts in Chile to review such information.

By the way, when are you going to get your story straight? You propagate that I stole $8m, then $7m, then $10m, the $2m, then…I kill the homeless dogs that I rescue. Maybe you are now going to attempt to say that I poison the empanadas that we deliver to homeless shelters on weekends. Do you practice lying about others in the mirror each morning? Does it feel good?

So, it's now $10.6m that you claim that I "stole", yet you have been working for well over two years now with the party who is actively trying to steal the GGC assets, Mario Del Real. Are his actions (and possibly yours?) of committing forgeries, falsifying corporate documents, malicious use of false signatures, falsifying public documents, theft of GGC funds, and much more, ok to carry out when you participate with him in carrying these crimes out, and in helping him to attempt to evade prosecution? Hmmmm. I guess we shall see.

I've never taken money from clients for passports in my life, which you know, since you stole and hacked my computers and all GGC files and accounts. I don't deny working with TDV, or Berwick, in 2012 and part of 2013. You may try and make it seem as if I do, but that simply is not the case. The program in Paraguay that I did work on for TDV, as you know, was investigated in 2014 and all false accusations about it were dismissed in 2015, as outlined in court documents. If Berwick is representing things about me, and my past relations with TDV, in a light that is other than honest, that most certainly would not be a surprise. It is clear that he cannot locate the truth if it walked up and smacked him in the face.


…and regardless of whose company Berwick claims to be the Mexico passport company, or whatever he is claiming, are you stating that you were the one who was physically in Acapulco and dealt with Berwick's and his wife's (Kena) contacts that Berwick outlines in the video on the GGC website? It sure seems that Berwick took full credit for his connections, and his wife's connections, in the immigration department in Acapulco and Mexico. Did you guys issue any passports or citizenship in Mexico?

Sounds like we need to see scanned documents from both sides if we want to know what really happened.