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RE: What Happens When You Take Away The Bread From The Bread And Circuses

in #tdv3 years ago

Drugs, ... I should cut down on valium, but it ain't easy under these circumstances. Methadone is easy to cut down, but to quit is not that easy. What more do we have? Alcohol? Nicotine? I don't like alcohol, and cola is way too acid, but rum and cola taste really good. Sugar, we are addicted to sugar, most of us. And then there are those small scrying mirrors, those tracking devices people can't seem to get rid of. I'm staring at a monitor all day myself.
What were you saying? Anti-depressants! Prozac = Fluoxetine = Fluoride! Fluoride kills pineal glands. That's why it's in the water supply. They really don't want us to ever find out what we can do with our pineal gland.


We create reality with our minds. How they gonna keep us enslaved if everybody knew their body could health itself and all energy is free? Bit blunt but what can I say its truth

That's it! That's why we won't have any monetary systems. It's because energy is free, that's why. As a whole, as a species, we would do so much better without money. Just imagine you hit your toe, pain needs to reach your brain. The damaged cell says to the next cell: "Ow, I'm hurt. Could you pass on the message please?" And the other cell, whose job it is to pass on such messages, says: "Sure! That'll be ten dollars please."
Let's manifest something nice. Current reality is pretty crappy. Much love! And PEACE of course.