I've made a huge mistake

I started the lectures for my new Study Period last night, and in the opening lecture of the Culture to Cultures course, which is meant to be all about intercultural communication I realised that I'm in a world of shit.

The course is basically about how to communicate with Aboriginals. For those of you that have spoken to me know full well that I have very strong and unapologetic views on this subject, so how on earth I'm going to get through this course without stabbing my computer screen I have no idea.

The lecturer did say it wouldn't be like most other business units where its a set of rules and plans to communicate with aboriginals, its a very different approach so maybe I'll be ok. But I have low hopes.

I'm sure over the next 13 weeks my steemit posts will be littered with passive agressive posts espousing my hatred of this left wing BS subject.



This unit investigates the complexity of culture and our engagement with other cultures and culturally diverse thinking and perspectives. It will particularly explore Indigenous cultures, histories, knowledge, perspectives and values. Students will reflect on their cultural background and identity, as well as their engagement with cultural diversity. The unit also explores the relationship between media and culture, critically analysing media representations that inform our ideas about particular topics, other cultures and people. We examine the effects and consequences of representation by analysing the ideological role played by global media, and how this connects with power. source

Doesn't sound that bad. You might enjoy the debates that this topic will no doubt inspire.

Thats what I thought as well when I read that on the unit website. But replace Culture with Aboriginals, and that's what it actually is.
I thought it'd be more like a big mix with Arabs, Indians, Poms, etc, not just 1 specific culture.

Ohh well, just grit my teeth, grow some dreads and stop showering and I'm sure I can push myself to the left enough to get by. I'm sure if I present an opinion arguing against their thoughts I'm more than likely going to fail.

Ohh well, just grit my teeth, grow some dreads and stop showering and I'm sure I can push myself to the left enough to get by. I'm sure if I present an opinion arguing against their thoughts I'm more than likely going to fail.

Here you go man this should help: Click to join the revolution

If there is debate involved you maybe able to change their minds or they might change some of your views , not interacting would be worse , no?

Sounds like a cool course. What assessment do you have for it?

Im pretty sure its a presentation, a critical analysis of media and an essay of some sort. Shouldn't have any problem with those though.
Though I have heard rumours that one is a group assignment :( I'm not a team player

Well, new knowledge is always well received, think on that.

We can't go handing out degrees to thought criminals now.

Well, don't be afraid to express your personal views...You may just wake a few people up..

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @thealliance

Do it! I know stuff like this can be tough, but technically putting up with biased people is probably one of the most important thing we learn in uni....