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RE: I Know It's a State of Disaster. Just Be Bloody Nice, Alright?

in #teamaustralia5 years ago

That is true in the US too, but good luck getting away with it. The hypnotized virtue signalers go ballistic if they see someone without a mask. How easy to blame you and me for the devastation the measures, not the covid 1984, have wrought.

This will only be over when we stop putting up with it.


Yes we all need to stop going along with it just like the German's did with about 1.3 million people on the streets the other day.

yeah I know, good on 'em.

I'm terrified of not wearing a mask and copping abuse - I've heard it happen. A lot. I know I don't have to wear one. But a friend (asthmatic) had a random stranger come up to her and shout 'what makes you so farkin' special!'. That's what I mean. Asshats.

Yes the mentality of these brainwashed people will bring us all down I think.

We can not blame each other. This was set into motion long long ago with the Spanish flu (look at the BS they tell us about that today, probably all hogwash. Make sure you don't use google to search for info about that, or you find one and only one story about it, with reiterations, but always the same) and subsequent vaccine related events, such as polio, small pox, measles etc. I believe all of these were just stepping stones to this one. There may have been viruses, but whether or not one got really sick depended on exposure to toxins. In the case of polio, that toxin was DDT. In the case of Spanish flu and covid, the toxins are in vaccines and other medications. The viruses are just viruses, and healthy bodies can beat them. The immune systems of toxic bodies go into over drive trying to stay healthy. Or another possibility is that vaccination has confused the immune system into incompetence. Oh how I could go on about this subject!

So back to blaming the brainwashed, I don't agree with that. A massive hypnotic misinformation campaign has been running for over a hundred years. We can't revile those who believe it, we have to love them and try our best to cut through their disillusion.

I agree! Say no to medical tyranny, because this is only the beginning if we don't stop it.