I Know It's a State of Disaster. Just Be Bloody Nice, Alright?

in #teamaustralia5 years ago (edited)

If you're Australian, you'll probably be either Victorian and crying that we're in a state of emergency again or sympathising with us for being in this state yet again. You probably know it could have happened in your state too, or even that it might again. And having been in lockdown before, you understand how traumatic it can be. So we're all like - ugh, here we go again. For flying duck's sake.

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We're blessed here, living on 5 acres - we are surrounded by trees and sky, and have a million projects we can do, and are happy to do. It feels like it can be a productive time, and it doesn't matter so much I can't really see my family for 6 weeks - we were overseas for longer, so we know it's not really a big deal to not hug them for such a long time, although we'd love to. We can walk most of the way around town without wearing a mask, though we're meant to - but if no one is around or no one can see you, we'll be mask free sucking in that fresh air, thanks very much. I can't breath with that thing on anyway. Perhaps it's psychological for a girl who's struggled with her breath as an asthmatic all her life. Perhaps it genuinely is hard to breath with a covering over your face. Don't judge me.


And there's the problem.

The state motto - the nation's motto - at the moment is something like 'together but apart.'. Forgive me for not googling the exact propaganda, but I'm done with government websites - we've read enough to know what we can and can't do.

But it's hard to see how we're 'together' when we can't see each other's faces. It's hard to see how we're together when we can't stand around in small groups and chat, like you'd do at the shops or at the beach. It's especially hard to see how we're 'together' when I see such vitriol online.

Before you suggest this, I'm vowing to stay off socials for 6 weeks, bar our instagram account for Buttercup the Landrover where all I see is - landrovers. It's psychologically distressing for me to see how people are turning against each other in their fear and darn fed up-ness. They're exhausted and tired and want this all to be over, and that sometimes stop them being human beings. And these are people I know!. Instead, they become spitting banshees and demons, fiercely raging against perceieved community transgressions and the evils of those who have ruined it for the rest of us.

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And it sounds awful.

Stay the fuck at home.

Wear a fucking mask.

And how dare people gather in (smallish) groups for a picnic, or go to Bunnings (our national hardware store), or work more than one job, or stay at their holiday house in Lorne when they 'should' be in Melbourne.

I'm more fed up with how people talk about each other and make huge, sweeping judgements without truly understanding people's circumstances.

Getting a $300 payment to stay home whilst your results come back from a test doesn't always feed a family. And people who work in nursing homes sometimes need to work more than one job, increasing risk of community transmission. And sometimes people who have asthma can't wear a mask, because they can't breath. And that couple in the holiday house on the coast may have been there since the start of lockdown becauase the husband is recovering from an operation, and they choose to isolate on the coast instead of an apartement, and they haven't been out in months (I know these people), as you would if you were in this situation. And that abbatoir in Colac, where the actual offical advice fuck up was to go just live your life whilst waiting for the test? Sheesh.

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Yes, there's a few people that may have blatantly done the wrong thing, but stop reading headlines who rely on raising your heart rate to make money. 'Couple stays at home' is unclickable . 'Couple stays at holiday house' gets the morality police outraged. How dare they, the keyboard warriors write, likely secretly jealous that they don't have a choice, and they'd love a holiday house to stay in to break up the monotony and the upset they can't go to Queensland this year with the fam. And then there's the people who plain just don't get the seriousness of it, or the enormity of it, or even what's required of them - hey, instead of compassion and education, let's just raise the hate level by calling them all morons. And the friend who was furious with everyone for going to Bunnings - really, really annoyed - and got annoyed at me when I told her that there had never been an outbreak linked to Bunnings.

There's actually no end in sight to the vehement, vicious, angry judgements I see going online. Even people close to me have their best judgey on, and I'm forced to change the conversation because I'm fed up with their judgey, because it's wearning me down, and I start getting judgey on their judgey.

We're not really in this together. We're all actually in different situations, different life circumstances. We're not even being nice to each other.

And then I slap myself and remind myself that's just the online world. I'm sure there's a million people like me just getting on with things. I'm sure there are lots of people being loving and positive and caring and compassionate. I'm sure there's a vast majority of people wearing masks and 'doing the right thing' - far more than the media would have us believe, because they just want to 'get this done' and get back to their lives, their futures.

Us? We're going with the flow. There's no point resisting.

But I'm not getting involved in any of that bullshit propaganda, moral signalling and judgements that I see some Australians taking part in, and I'd hope that you check yourself before you start at that too.

There's just no need to make this worse that it already is.

With Love,


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People with asthma don't have to wear a face mask. Checkout WWW.dhhs.vic.gov.au/face-coverings-covid-19

That is true in the US too, but good luck getting away with it. The hypnotized virtue signalers go ballistic if they see someone without a mask. How easy to blame you and me for the devastation the measures, not the covid 1984, have wrought.

This will only be over when we stop putting up with it.

Yes we all need to stop going along with it just like the German's did with about 1.3 million people on the streets the other day.

yeah I know, good on 'em.

I'm terrified of not wearing a mask and copping abuse - I've heard it happen. A lot. I know I don't have to wear one. But a friend (asthmatic) had a random stranger come up to her and shout 'what makes you so farkin' special!'. That's what I mean. Asshats.

Yes the mentality of these brainwashed people will bring us all down I think.

We can not blame each other. This was set into motion long long ago with the Spanish flu (look at the BS they tell us about that today, probably all hogwash. Make sure you don't use google to search for info about that, or you find one and only one story about it, with reiterations, but always the same) and subsequent vaccine related events, such as polio, small pox, measles etc. I believe all of these were just stepping stones to this one. There may have been viruses, but whether or not one got really sick depended on exposure to toxins. In the case of polio, that toxin was DDT. In the case of Spanish flu and covid, the toxins are in vaccines and other medications. The viruses are just viruses, and healthy bodies can beat them. The immune systems of toxic bodies go into over drive trying to stay healthy. Or another possibility is that vaccination has confused the immune system into incompetence. Oh how I could go on about this subject!

So back to blaming the brainwashed, I don't agree with that. A massive hypnotic misinformation campaign has been running for over a hundred years. We can't revile those who believe it, we have to love them and try our best to cut through their disillusion.

I agree! Say no to medical tyranny, because this is only the beginning if we don't stop it.

But if you have asthma you'd better write it in big letters on your forehead if you don't want to be attacked for not wearing the mask.

I"m reminded of The Scarlet Letter. An 'A' for asthmatic instead of adultress?

Or a star for a Jew? I don't know The Scarlett Letter, so that might be completely off the mark...

I kept thinking that too bit daren't say it...

When it boils down to it, some people really just have the brains of playground kids, all being punished for the mistakes of a couple of other kids and the reason you only get nastiness and judgement on social media, is probably because all the nice people are avoiding it, just like you plan to. I won't even look at media reports any more, because even the journalists are name calling and inciting this kind of thing.

It's awful, and they should be held accountable. I'm sure the nice people aren't on social media but it still freaks me out my friends are on it, so does that means I have shitty friends? Probably.

It's easy to get caught up in mob mentality then start doing and saying things you normally wouldn't. Doesnt mean they're s#!tty so much as human (or animal).

i was afraid to vote and comment on this post hence i catch something. Bloody Victorians, build a wall around them and get them to pay for it i say. hahaha

love from South Australia. proud supporter of stay in your own fking state policy :)

Hahah, wait til I come over there and sneeze on you! Lol.

Surely you're not staying off Hive too?!

Posted using Dapplr

You guys are nice. Why would I do that?

Well it is quite distracting too!

Haha you know, even when I'm off work and stuck at home I find it hard to find time for HIVE! There's sooo much to do still in real life.

Wow, 5 acre of land, that's a decent space to live and walk. My sister was stuck in a small apartment for 3 months in the initial lockdown. And she felt like she was going insane.

Now, she moved to our house. We have a small garden next to the house, so we can walk, sit in the green, watch flowers and trees in the evening.

I just can't imagine myself being stuck in an apartment for that long time.

And most of the people online, I guess are stuck in the apartment. They mental trauma of being locked down in a small space and not being social for a couple of months, maybe that's the reason some people have become so toxic online.

Most of my family and friends live near small towns or villages. So, they are enjoying this period. There is enough space to walk, to feel sun, and to talk to your neighbours.

Only those who are living in metro cities, had the most disadvantage.

I guess, wherever we live, we want to be free, be social and enjoy the company of other human beings.😃

I definitely feel understanding for WHY people are being toxic, but still don't think they SHOULD be. Perhaps it's what we need to teach young people.. how to be kind even if your world is falling apart.

I absolutely feel grateful for what we have. I'd give anything to allow someone like your sister to come stay in our bus in the garden and enjoy the space. I feel so sorry for the people who will now be entering their second lot of lockdown in a row... my heart weeps for them..it must be so hard to do it in a city..

My sadness is not being able to see my fam..but it's only 6 weeks, right?

We're sending our support from the other side of Bass Strait - it seems our little island state is a bit of a blessing in these times.

From a personal standpoint, an an ex-pat Victorian it's both frustrating and alarming to see what's happening over there. So far restrictions this year have meant we've missed celebrating both my Parents 70th Birthdays (Mum in May, and Dad Sunday just gone). My almost 94 year old grandmother is in an aged care facility where a staff member tested positive last week - I am hoping to get some news on Nan's test result today. All three of them live in Regional Victoria.

On top of that, my Parents are also unable to travel to Tassie to meet their second grandchild who is due to arrive any day now.

So yeah, I get frustrated when I see people doing the wrong thing, and even more so when they are blatantly flaunting the restrictions and trying to antagonise the staff at Bunnings just for a bi of Social Media fame.

I saw it pretty well put recently when someone said, if the situation were reversed, and younger people were more susceptible than older generations, you can get bet that our parents and grandparents would be doing everything within their power to keep us safe.......

Stay Safe everyone.

Oh that sucks. It does suck we can't see fam. That's always hit me hard and I feel for you so much..

I do understand peoples frustrations but I still believe it doesn't behoove us well as human beings to be nasty about it. Karen from Bunnnings? Insignificant in grander scheme.. she's become a meme. How embarrassing for her.