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RE: MacKenzie Falls in the Grampians National Park

in #teamaustralia7 years ago

There's a waterfall not too far from where I am that is about that popular. Your waterfall is much bigger and more impressive though XD Looks like a really nice place to visit, if I'm ever back in Melbourne might try to get over there :)



Love your graphic of the goat by the way :D

And I just went to my teamaustralia map to find out where that might be and realised your not on there. Add a comment to the post if you want to be added, or maybe you want to remain mysterious ;) The grampians in general are in my view the best place to visit in Victoria, the walk up to the pinnacle peak not far from these falls is awesome! thanks for the comment and read!

Hm I thought I had commented to say where I was, maybe I broke it XD (or entirely possible busy glitched out on commenting as it doesn't seem to like me having over 100 tabs open and that happens quite frequently).
