Yes, there are really levels.
And they appear to be in discreet steps (not a continuum)
You basically have to make a quantum leap to get to the next level.
Now, just because you are aware of more levels, of higher truths, it does not negate the lower levels.
Angels, demons, fairies and elves exist in our world.
Ignoring them is not so good, but you have more power in this reality than they do, so you can.
They exist here because we allowed / created them.
They are something that we will have to clean up / enhance.
The thing about levels is that they are not something blocking you.
It was you who placed a veil between you the physical human and you the spiritual being. So, if you could handle all the higher levels, you could just rip off the veil.
This world was created with a balance between dark and light.
A light world, with cooperation can outperform any dark / controlling world. However, if you get people to give you their power by telling them they are all in danger, unless you elect them leader... So, these NWO people with darkened hearts can easily fool trusting good natured people because they have killed their compassion. And yes, after we recognize them and take back our power, they are in for a world of hurt where nothing will go their way. But, you should not forget the lower levels still exist, and they do have the power to kill many people.
The akashic record is a very specific thing / place. It is not the only source of information. But, i comprehend what you were trying to say.
I have a problem with your assertion "This world was created with a balance between dark and light. A light world, with cooperation can outperform any dark / controlling world."
I spent a considerable number of years studying the Taoist arts, especially the use of the I Ching and Traditional Chinese Medicine and so my concept of light and dark is the perfect balance of yin and yang and it can never be a case of one being able to outperform the other. Life itself, in fact the existence of the universe as a whole, depends upon the eternal dance.
The idea is that cooperation between the two forces is an inherent part of their existence. One cannot exist without the other.
Light is not necessarily all good.
Dark is not necessarily all bad.
They are not opposing forces at all.
They are like heat and cold, man and woman, hard and soft. up and down, fire and water.
You cannot know the attributes of one without knowing the attributes of the other.
What you describe, yang outperforming yin, is destructive to balance and therefore creates sickness and death.... which of course is best avoided.
Those people who have damaged themselves through competitiveness and a sense of superiority, those that believe in their "devine right to rule" are indeed capable of great harm and obviously should not be left to their own devices or they will inflict horrors on all that they encounter.
They are very sick. In need of healing and whether they seek that healing in this life or the next they will all have to be healed eventually.
I have had some evidence of the existence of spiritual entities but would not go as far as to attribute them categories such as angels, demons, fairies and elves.
I just acknowledge that when they feel the need they are capable of taking part in physical life to a limited extent. I do not think we have much power over their existence though.
yin/yang does not equal light/dark.
Yes, this is a dualistic universe, however, love is not balanced by anything.
You can increase love, and keep increasing it.
Just like you can increase light, and increase it. Until every corner is lit.
We are speaking level 8,9... where we talk about how/why this planet was created and its starting situation. (and al the intricacies therein)
This planet was designed and set with dark and light being equal.
As of 2012, we have decided to move on as a planet of light.
It is the reason we are still here. Because if dark had one, it would have self destructed, and this was the last cycle. There was to be no more.
(Atlantis destruction was the end of a cycle, but not the end of the planet.)