I've learned all sorts of things here on Steemit this year. One of them is that posting popular opinion gets you folllowers, upvotes, and much love.
But calling bollocks on widely believed opinion gets you unfollows, and 20 cent payouts. Every time I see someone do a post exposing some hidden secrets I check to see just what it earns - inevitably it earns not much, plus any bot votes, which is one of the reasons I have come to kind of like bot votes...
Many people on Steemit seem to believe that because they realise what is reported in the mainstream media is all bullshit (Level One) they know what time it is. So they believe what is reported in the "alt media" (Level Two). And not that many seem to grasp that the alt media is mostly propaganda as well, it's just the same zionist overlords playing both sides, as they always do - divide and conquer (Level Three)
Now here is where it get tricky - like one of those multi level games, there are more levels. And like chess grand masters, zionists led by the rotchild family, are playing many levels above what most of us "conspiracy theorists" understand. In fact they are playing most conspiracy theorists as well. And I don't just mean the obvious shills like alex jones, I mean all of us, including me... (Level Four)
And that is why I have really toned down my conspiracy posts this year, along with all the unfollows I was earning, right now here on Steemit we all need as much happy clappy vibe as we can get, because we are being played. And that is one of the things understanding Level Four includes - realising that pointing out the zionist manipulations is in itself being manipulated. Level Four is where I'm up to now, but I've only just started to grasp this one - and that's after a decade, so I'm not exactly a speeding bullet! Another part of Level Four is the realisation that there will be at least a Level Five, and probably many more.
Watching the responses on Steemit to the yellow jacked psyop playing out in France has really brought all this home to me. One of the cool things about being on the blockchain is that we can go back and check out people's track records. Lately I've been doing that for crypto "experts" - and although they have high reps and lots of followers, their track records are mostly appalling. There are virtually none who said "cryptos will go down this year" - not just at the start, but at at any point earlier than three months ago. So they almost all missed the boat entirely.
With "conspiracy theorists" the pattern is different - the ones who understand the more advanced stuff have mostly just disappeared from Steemit. I don't think it's because they were "silenced" - I think it's because they got to level four and didn't know what to do. Let's face it, even calling bullshit on the "alt media" (Level Three) earns you a fair bit of hate on Steemit, and having experienced all that, posting about Level Four just isn't appealing, so most just throw in the towel.
Or they start posting positive stuff instead, because why continue to tell people that everything they believe is all bullshit, if it may be doing more harm than good. Right now part of me would like to do a post about the French yellow jacket "movement", but given that nearly everyone I know on Steemit who might agree with my opinion, has stopped posting all together, and most of the others would just hate me for it, I'm not going to.
Maybe Level Five involves posting art, fiction, memes, affirmations, distractions, funny stuff, photos of Ducati's with so many filters on them they look like foot and mouth paintings - all that entertainment shit...
Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://www.frot.co.nz/design/conspiracies/those-that-know-mostly-shut-their-faces/
WEBSITE - http://www.frot.co.nz
BLOG - http://www.frot.co.nz/design/blog
STEEMIT - @frot
Yes! Thank you! That’s where I’m at. I can’t talk about this shit anymore because it’s just helping it along at this point. Everything to talk about is exactly what they want us to talk about.
So instead..
Prepare for the storm and focus of positive solution posts.
I guess I’ve been at level 5 for a while or I’m totally not? I don’t know- what’s upsetting to me on Steemit is the level of elementary school bullying that goes on - like if I am not liked by the cool orca- chica then I don’t get included in her art contest because she doesn’t like me for some unknown reason... and maybe what I post about is unpopular esoteric art stuff but I thought that’s what we were doing on here but for some reason it’s just like rest of society really- proving my theory that we cannot rebuild until we change the outer system of how we communicate and get along with each other from a hierarchy to an equal unilateral system- where people each use their brains and reason to make choices- not their feelings and ego desire for power and prestige... but that is going to mean a raise in the level of consciousness from reptilian fight or flight to an actual functioning neo cortex
And that is exactly what I see on here too!
The funny thing is where I’m at now is basically how I started only with some additional knowledge that keeps me from falling into bullshit. I’m going full circle, only this time I’m a bit older, and a bit wiser than when I started out.
I’ll see y’all at level 33 ;)
One thing with all these levels is that we can only see the ones we are up to - so I'm fine up to level three, have to go slow with four, and only guessing about five
where do you get the idea that alt media is the same zionist bullshit? I don't get that from the people I watch... at all.
There are a few exceptions, but I'd say the vast majority, including a lot that are worshiped on Steemit like Qanon, Tommy Robinson, and Ben Shapiro, are totally zionist controlled.
I could name a bunch of others, but I'm doing my best to be more sociable :)
i don't know those people - I will check them out. thanks for telling me - hey did you listen to passio by the way?
And thank you! - I was really hoping there would be other freaks
Hey you've come to my world! I think I made it to level four a bit on the fast side due to living on a mountain in the middle of the woods for eight consecutive months ( a year or so all told)- the clean air combined with a LOT of good old fashioned hard work opens channels in the mind, or so I think :) edit: That sounded like bragging, but it's not, we packed years into that one- there's also something about living off the land and without a lot of conveniences that makes time stretch out like summers when you're a kid.
I've actually been toying with the concept that "It's ALL bullshit." I don't know if that's level five, but i do know that it feels true, and actually it's freeing. I'll still always say cheesy things like 'follow your heart' and 'love conquers all' because the paradigms and constructs might all be bullshit, but our connection to others is not. In the end it's the people we loved and the places we saw :)
You know I'm going to start asking you how level four works now :)
You really must be up there because after all this time you have never told me to wake up!
How it works? lol, just live my friend, experience, and of course love :) The dude who was always shaking his spear...William? He told us everything we need to know :)
Catches self before going into Shakespeare conspiracies...
Fails and fumbles catch
Why catch yourself? Conspiracies are fun! :) Whatever his name, he nailed the thing about stages and actors.
Level Over 9,000 = holohoax101.org
Great site that. I'd really like to do a post about that but I think it would start WW3, so I just post that stuff on my blog - maybe my balls fell off and I became a tranny...
Excellent blog post @frot, thanks for sharing that.
I think the bottom line, is that people thought "awareness" brings change.
Unfortunately, all awareness does, is bring awareness, and very little change.
That's why level 4 is so confusing.
I'm starting to wonder if awareness brings acceptance of a perceived inevitability...
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I can tell you about level 5...
The trouble is, that you have to go through level 4 so that you can understand it.
It is rough when you learn that EVERYTHING you were taught was a lie.
The science
The history
Even English.
But, once you know everything you were taught was a lie, where do you begin to rebuild? You can't throw everything out. It makes living very difficult. And, we have so tenuous a grasp on what is real / fact. So, rebuilding our foundation is what we need to do, however there is so very few people to follow on level 4.
Take a point of much debate.
The shape of the planet.
Level 1. its a sphere
Level 2. its an oblate spheroid.
Level 3. its flat
Level 4. it is a toroid.
Level 5. it is a multi-layered toroid. and we are inside of it?
And each of these layers have their own rhetoric so that they seem true.
Even though NASA's pictures of the earth are obviously fakes / photoshopped, it is really hard to discount that ball view of earth.
The ground is literally pulled out from under your feet.
Where do you being to reconstruct your world view?
It's kinda cool isn't it? I like ripping the legs off entrenched beliefs
But if you could do a post explaining level five I'd love to see it!
I am not sure i could.
My problem would be setting the context.
Because, to a level 3 person, everything i say about level 5 just sounds crazy, or "of course its that way (for the wrong reasons)"
Like, Hitler wasn't just a puppet that the NWO put into place to have someone to pin WWII on.
Time travelers have tried to kill Hitler. And, even if they succeed, they fail.
The thing about Hitler is that it is a point in time and place that flows through almost everybody's history. And that history was set up way in advance. You even find it referenced in the Mayan calendar.
In other words, its all connected.
The stock market crash of 1929 would have happened even if the rotschildren did nothing. Or, more specifically, they played their part in the unfolding future that was pretty much set in stone.
In the future, everyone will learn to see into the future, so they can see what future they are creating, and if they do not like it, alter their course.
And then this also becomes a world wide web of people doing such.
And this is where getting rid of evil people is important. Because they are very good at pulling in evil futures. And so you get the good people to stop being so neutral and deal with the evil people, so that better futures are possible.
I'm starting to sort of get a vague idea of level five, but your theory is different to another explanation I've heard which was more along the lines of if everyone believes and visualizes something, then it will come to be - so your idea is all new to me.
Do you think a significant number of people at this time could grasp any of this?
After 911 when I was online talking about the whole fake event the next day, it never occurred to me that so many people wouldn't get it five years later, let alone 10, and from what I'm seeing on Steemit, this yellow jacket thing is the same, as are all the fake elections, so seeing level five is quite a stretch!
(I drew this picture of Fat Freddie's cat with his mountain bike around about the time of the Oklahoma bombing in 95, so I've long given up on rapid public understanding)
You are not incorrect.
Level 5 would be understanding how intertwined our future creation is.
Level 6 would be understanding how each person creates their own reality and how they are all parts of the larger fractal.
Level 7 would be similar but understanding that there are a thousand other universes, pretty much like this one, that you are also experiencing in, simultaneously with this one. And that divergent thoughts create these alternatives, and that you can pull these back together to get parts of each.
But, these are all based on you knowing your self, your subconscious self and your unconscious self.
If you think of the you that is thinking as the one that completely in charge, you end up with bad results.
And yes, getting people to even understand the world trade center destruction is a chore in itself.
It is even harder to explain the psyop that was to destroy the american sense of safety.
But, i wouldn't even want to try to explain how this psyop was allowed to happen by us all, so that we could move this evil out from the shadows and into the light.
I had one friend who would not believe the twin towers were blown up because he just couldn't imagine anyone evil enough to just kill that many people.
Can we live in this commonly accepted reality and fully function while believing those higher levels?
Jeepers he better not look into WW1 or 2 !
What i have noticed from people who live at those levels is that they have... two awarenesses. or two focusses.
Like, you can stare at the map, and plan your trip
you can be staring out the window at the road you are driving down.
And, you sorta shift your focus between the two.
Don Juan of Carlos Casteneda talked about it.
Great analysis ! I think from level 4 and up, it's more of a "destructuring" work. You need to unlearn everything. Zionists are no more important than what you ate for dinner. All this is just a big theater, and the play is just there because you're here to fullfil a certain purpose.
Everything is lies.
Our reality is deceiptive, in fact it's only perception, it is based on nothing.
I think there's a point all your questions point to metaphysics (I believe I'm at this level, don't know the number). What is the fabric of our world ? But before entering that field, you need to know that from that point, there will be no certainty anymore. That's a luxury only ignorants can afford.
You enter in a purely speculative world, as elusive as the answers you're looking for. There will only be new questions, each one more bizarre than the last.
I could speak about what my current theory is, but I think it's too soon (and I might be viewed as a nut-job :D ).
Man, I'd like to hear your take on all this!
As you can guess, I'm very hung up on zionists, but I'd be only too pleased to hear they were just another level to move through
It would be awesome if you started posting, your English is perfect, and your ideas are fascinating.
Thanks man, I will be coming back to the blogging world (I must confess, and you might have seen that, that I like writing), I'm thinking about how to do that in a nice way.
And for the Zionists, I understand, I've been blocked at that level for a few years and it's my interest in History that allowed me to understand that History was fabricated for the most parts, and it's the attempt at finding the why that got me up to the next series of questions.
I like your images !
Thanks - following you now
loads more levels yet. check your initial internal response and ask honestly have you really studied everything yet?
We all have different ways of looking at things, and it's safe to say I disagree with several of your levels.
But another thing I've learned in the past few years is that although I'm about as non religious as can be, some Christians are allies in fighting things like agenda 2030, microchipping, and vaccinations.
So on your picture I'll just look for points of agreement - I'm with you on the blue ones - I can guess what your conclusion to that will be, and I probably have a different one - but what the hell, yesterday I just agreed to disagree with someone who thinks Elon Musk isn't a con man. LOL. I could be a diplomat!
some followers of Jesus are very clued-up, most are as asleep and brainwashed as the rest of the population.
musk not a conman? lmao, what did they think about the sec-fined tweets?
also, he built a rocket that lands back exactly the way it went up, dontchaknow? lol.
'everything they show us is..cgi..'
You still thumping that BuyBull?
Man, WTF happened to you! ? !
First it was the totally implausible flat earth and then the relentless preaching!
How you dare to suggest that you are on some sort of higher level whilst simultaneously quoting Jesus is utterly beyond me. Didn't he say we are all God's children? ie EQUAL?
Spiritually we are one and there are no "levels" or evolved souls.
There is no heaven and no hell.
The ultimate mind control weapon has been the false doctrines forced upon us by the Roman Empire which hijacked a great teacher and used him as the corner stone for a control agent against us!
Your slavery remains intact if you believe their tripe.
True spiritual beings see no hierarchies, wield no sense of superiority and recognise no levels of acheivement.
Frot was talking about levels of understanding in respect of the painful and often long journey to the truth. He was suggesting that this may well be further from our grasp than we realise. He was not talking about shooting back to medieval mindlessness when people could not read or write and had to believe or be burned at the stake for heresy.
That seems to be where you are at now.
Which strikes me as an extremely sad situation.
Your songs and personality took a hard hit somewhere and from persons unknown but I sure would like to know who it was who stole Darren the great anti-fracking campaigner and stuffed his brain with mind control old style religion.
That was a mournful loss which presaged a shocking split in our community, the effects of which are still repercussing today.
When you understand that "all is one" such things actually hurt you.
the fact that you think Jesus preached we are all equal shows you haven't really read the bible fran, yet you deign to call it 'a mind control weapon' and don't consider it the word of God.
i wonder if you personally attack those preaching the quran in the same way? thought not.
as to the rest, no leaders, right?
ps - the earth is a fixed plane, not a spinning ball, that's just another lie -
A true test - flat earth - my favourite theory...not...
Can I do level four now? - I know I struggled with that when I did my flat earth post back in January :)
i fully agree, earth is not a flat disc either. that part IS a psy op, but the EVEN BIGGER psy op is that we're on a ball spinning at 1038 mph in an even faster solar system, and it's all held together by a force no one has yet proven the existence of.
meanwhile, old-fashioned empirical experiments like michelson-morley, sagnac's turntables and airy's 'failure' proved the earth was definitely not in motion, even if they weren't necessarily trying to do so.
then you have the hoax moon landings - you are at that level, right?
or perhaps you agree with this statement: 'there are also a lot of images taken from the satellites, rockets and space junk that is orbiting around the planet, and although manned rockets have never actually landed on the moon there are no shortage of cameras floating around in the atmosphere.
And what the photos show is a spherical planet just like all of the others. '
please find such photos and post them please. no one has managed to find a single real shot yet. they're all composites or artwork, every one. prove me wrong.
I don't know the back story to all this, but yes, the bits I know about I agree with you on totally - thanks for an honest comment to go with those deep insights!
Looks like photos of chemtrail skies that I"ve been taken for the last year since I started focussing on 5G. From reading this post up to this point, it seems to me that you are being demoralized by the sheeple. They are just being the way they are programmed to be. You, on the other hand, are awake and you know you have much work to do and much knowledge to capture. I have been studying this stuff so long that I took a month off. We must recharge and stay healthy through this storm we know exists. We gotta use this as an opportunity to come back stronger. We need those frustrated truth community members to hang in there and keep taking action. We, as a people , will get to the promised land
That must be some good weed bro!
I just post what I want when I want, & do not like dancing to the tune for others re upvotes, my account, I will do what I want with it type thing!
The switch in my thinking is from the thing of thinking that if I expose the conspiracies it will work against them to the point of thinking that in some cases what I'm exposing is exactly what rotchild's minions are wanting everyone to talk about
And of course my weed is good :)

The rule is as such, "expose what they will do next, and they then can no longer do it!" I thought you knew that?
What if exposing what they will do next plants the seeds of submission to that in the public psyche, and helps bring it about?
And that is what I mean about not wanting to go there!
Not sure, though it is xmas and the holiday season so I am relaxing and not giving much of a fuck about it all for a while. :-)
Good job - I think that is sort of what I'm recommending, but I can't help myself

I'm not sure what level it is, but I guess I'm more or less parked at one step beyond the "if I'm not being really intense all the time, I'm not being authentic!" level... or maybe it's the "rabid dog +1" level... where I just share some shit and some people will like it, many won't care, some won't like it... and it's really all OK.
Could you please share what popular opinion is? I feel I need to post about it, but I'm out of the loop.
So the secret is that we come full circle?! Darn it, all that time and stress wasted! I'm off to find more memes and play around with filters...
Posted using Partiko Android
I suspect some people just go straight to the higher levels, but conspiracy theorists like me tend to go straight to level two and get stuck there!
Yes I'm sure not stressing is more evolved, but maybe only if you know what it is you are not stressing about - otherwise you could stay on level zero and just believe the TV...
Damn, that's some good filter work!
I think I was wavering on level 3 and now I'm giving up, because I'll only end up chasing my tail and there's no changing human nature. Just live life and try and enjoy some of it while we can and hope we can dodge the pitfalls when they come. We're all going to die at some point anyway. I'm sick of trying to figure out the games they play.
Posted using Partiko Android
For me conspiracies are like an itch I have to scratch - NOT trying to figure them out is a real stretch - and I sill am, just hopefully from a level up.
The crash of the cryptos, I've called it 1 year ago... almost to the day
Here's the post:
Here's the picture:

And that is probably about the day I sold all my Bitcoin at 17k - BUT then I put 80% of the profits into other cryptos and got reamed!
I'm not panicking yet, I think they will be manipulated back up next year
Next entry point for bitcoin is 1500-2000$ Don't miss the BOAT!!!
You are dabbling on the wild side every day!
...this ain't nothing compared to my wild side! lol..- this is my retirement...
We all just got to look back at a boisterous year and think about how desperate they are. We now know better who's who and a few of theirs crimes. Satan was very busy trying to keep the facts from regular sheeple. Truth seeking sheeple are working hard to protect the flock. We must continue to bounce back from the depressing propaganda and use our ever increasing knowledge of the facts to heal ourselves and others. American reparations.
Yes - depressing propaganda does none of us any good!
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