What Comes In Your Mind When You Read This Line, "When A Bad Apple Spoils The Bunch"

in #teamspirit7 years ago (edited)

Today I got one of my favourite newsletters from "DailyOm" and it got me thinking about a lot of things, reading the subject line, especially the meaning of the powerful word "Team Spirit"?

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Team spirit is the feeling of pride and loyalty that exists among the members of a team and that makes them want their team to do well or to be the best. - Source

Steemit-Austria is My Team!


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I have never been big on acting as a "perfect" or good member of any team because I feel like an egocentric loner, an independent "leader-personality" and don't like it if people tell me what to do but I am loyal when I commit to a group of people I choose to help. I would do anything to support to achieve success for every single member.

I might not be a follower but I will hold my hands wide open to give as much as I like to receive.

Those so called "Rotten Apples" exist in every society and communities and also on @steemit.


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How we deal with those?

When dealing with negative people we can choose not to respond to their behavior and allow our positive behavior be an example. - Source

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Food4Thought about Team Spirit!

Daily Om by Madison Taylor continues with her advice.

Because life requires that we interact with different personalities, it is not uncommon for us to encounter a situation where there is one person whose behavior may negatively impact the experiences of others. Someone who is loud and crass can interrupt the serenity of those who come together to practice peace. A team member who is pessimistic or highly critical may destroy the morale of their fellow members. One "bad apple" in your personal life can be a potent distraction that makes it difficult to focus on the blessings you've been given.

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There may always be people in your life who take it upon themselves to create disruption, foster chaos and act as if they are above reproach –even when, in doing so, they put a blight on their own experiences.

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Bad apples only have the power to turn your lives sour if YOU let them.

What are your thoughts?

Yours @mammasitta and @massivevibration

There are 2 pages

If you think that you are not a "good member of any team because I feel like an egocentric loner" You are not alone.
I'm sure many people feel this way? Me included.
I am loyal to a fault. Most of the time.

Sometimes in life we find people who put a straw in our ears and suck our brains out! These people we should avoid politely. ;)

Yes, I agree 100% with you @molometer, me included too. I behave the same.

Pick those Apples out and feed them to the pigs! Removing toxic people is the most liberating feeling ever!

Exactly! You know IT!!!!

i do not know how to use steemit but your blog is beautiful

Please learn from all other members but do not beg for votes. Its that simple. Thank you for your kind comment but your previous comment had to be flagged mildly, just to learn.

thanks mam

you are welcome and I wish you lots of success in an honest way.

Thank you for your commitment, it is very honorable, but as I told my mother already: World is too cruel to rescue all ice bears...the more commitment one gives into something he/she will in the full sense of the word feel someone on the other side during tug of war and maybe the most disapponting moments of all to feel the ice bears dying in one's own arms, the losses, tears and lost souls.

Thanks also for mentioning the "teamspirit", I am eager to see how far it will get us. Blockchain startet as to democratize systems, but in truth we have to go though bitter pill of plutocracy...

Its a very delicate topic " team spirit" .......especially for me....it comes with tons of responsibilities I don't want to have :)

There are always people like these who are around us.

They are everywhere and no matter how much you try to change them or improve them, they will never change.

I have tried myself to change some people who were acting as a bad apple in a group of apples.

But it was like hitting a wall with my head, no matter how hard I tried, the result was futile and at the end, I was going to have a concussion if I hadn't stopped.

So what I learned is to ignore them as much as I can, and don't let them feel that we are ignoring them.

They can only change when they want to, we can never do it.

Thats new to me in my life that I don't let them feel it anymore that I ignore them

don't let them feel that we are ignoring them

It took me quite some years to stop wanting to change everybody and started to focus on myself first of all.

I just try to be a good example, as much as possible of course.

BUT , rotten fruits need to be sorted out of the juicy, healthy ones because we want to taste the sweetness!

I don't let anyone feel that I am ignoring them because then they start to annoy us even more.

I have gone through it that's why.

I understand your point very well! I actually take this as a very helpful advice for myself.

@mammasitta i ask you how to keep my bunch safe and you did not answer i am looking for a tip i will be thankful

First step: Follow @mammasitta
Second step: Follow @sciencevienna
Third step: Follow @vasil-danev

hahahaha ! Good idea !

Oh well.....I don't know ....I think you have to find out for yourself how to keep your bunch safe. I do the same....Trying to sort out the bad ones, somehow....

I feel like an egocentric loner, an independent "leader-personality" and don't like it if people tell me what to do but I am loyal when I commit to a group of people I choose to help. I would do anything to support to achieve success for every single member.

I can so relate to this part! I feel the same way!

Helloooo Helloooo YOU!
I hope thats not some kind of "curse" for us :) but it gives me so much joy to help and be appreciated for my effort. I am still a lonesome wolf in a way though.

It can be a curse but I feel comfortable with it. You probably too, so keep it going!

exactly! I am also fine with it. It was more like a fun comment to call it a "curse"

Never let yourself get influenced by the bad people/things in this world ! Or you can end you up also a spoiled apple :))

Oh yes! You are one of THE team :)

Well, this can be tricky, can't it? When I run into someone who is pumping out negativity like an open fire hydrant, my first thought is this: "What has happened to this person that has put them into this state?"

It's the old "Walk a mile in their moccasins" concept. I have found that if I focus more on learning why someone is in this state, instead of focusing on the state itself, it allows me to accomplish two very important things.

  1. Understanding is power. If I can find a way to determine the why, it places me in a position to potentially help, perhaps in only a small way, this person who is obviously hurting. Not always.

  2. By understanding the why, it offers both insulation against that negativity and an opportunity to appreciate all of the good things in my own life, including this potential opportunity to help someone else who is struggling.

Projecting back to the person is a powerful tool. "I can feel how distressed you are in this moment." Or perhaps, "Man, I can feel how unhappy you are right now. What are you going to do?"

Turn their negativity into an opportunity to find a solution for themselves.
And sometimes, they haven't even realized that they were being so ragged. This statement comes across as cold water to their self-awareness, and can jumpstart a change in their state.

For those who seem perpetually negative, or worse - destructive - I will eventually separate myself from them physically and emotionally. While we can influence others, we cannot fix others. Knowing just how much influence we have, how to plant the seeds of self-awareness and hope, and then when it's time to break away, is an art learned over time and through experience...

Baaaaaaaaaaangggggggggggg! You nailed it!

"The five people you spend the most time with shape who you are"

Great post! It´s so important to surround yourself with positive people.
I think at first we should figure out if that person is just going through a rough time and might needs our help or if it´s simply a toxic person. Of course we can try to inspire them and use our positive behavior to be an example. If that doesn´t work, it might be better to cut that person out.

Oh dear! In recent times its just ME ME and again ME hahahaha #Justkidding! Kind off.....

anyone can change only if they want to change, no matter what kind of time anyone is going through, they will always be the same person.

If they are good, they will see it and change themselves, if they aren't they will just keep heading their way.

Well, what I´m trying to say is that a person that is going through a rough break up for example, can change his behavior and become moany and negative. If we don´t know about his circumstances and just assume and judge him as a toxic person we are doing that person wrong. Of course if they are conscious enough they will realize that shit themselves, heal their traumas and come to their senses. Not everyone is on that level of consciousness yet though so I think it´s our responsibility to at least try to get such a person back on the right way. If that won’t work we can still cut them out...

You are right, we should try for once.


This is a fabulous way of thinking and I can't agree enough!!!!
I give chances but very carefully ....

How we deal with those? - Punch them in the face of course!
There are no negative emotions, just punches in the face! And happiness!

hmmmmm ....I try then hahaha

team never means that somebody tells you what to do
it's all about discussing to reach a solution that suits the most and most of time it gives better results

Very wise words and I agree 1000% !

and I like your respectful style 10000%

Awwwwww :) Danke schön!!!!!

Black sheeps and rotten apples are the depiction of evil approach towards life while sweet mangoes and strawberries are the symbol of love and peace, in my opinion.

This is very true that you always at the giving end may be in the form of an upvote, a piece of advice or to answer one's query My Friend

My Take on bad apples is; I do what i have in my mind and don't even care what others will say about my that action.

Oh ! How do I love those sweet Mangos :)

Hahahaha so do i especially in summers :)

what makes me mad is that you talk about rotten apples and dealing with them and whatever I still see rotten apples of steemit comes to the comments and spread their bad behavior
I think if they read this post they wouldn't have done this
really abnormal

don't be mad:) be a good example!

mad from inside but always control my behavior
madness in behavior will waste the magic of my hat and I will never allow this to happen

thats good to know! I like that red hat:)

Awww sweet, I downloaded this
you got my interest @mammasitta
by the way, I like your eyes

Did you know this song before ?
Those eyes to die for hahahaha but a little tired these days

          Teams - I played on team sports,(water polo, basketball) and also individual team sports, (tennis, chess). The one thing, (issue), I had was the team wanting everyone to be like the leader. In highschool, no sports team liked the chess team or debate teams. I never had a problem with either set of teams. We are mostly shaped by our high school years, but we can change who we were shaped into if we want. Teams are pretty much the same as Cliques in my book.
          I agree 100% with your statement about following and leading. - - I feel like an egocentric loner, an independent "leader-personality" - -
          I am one of those that feel we need bad apples. We need them to remind us of what we do not want to become. People choose who to follow, sometimes they make a poor decision. I do know that butting heads with a "bad apple" only causes some of that bad skin to rub off.
          What to do about "bad apples" I really don't know. People try a lot of ways to "fix" bad apples. From what I have seen the only thing that sort of semi works, for me is to show a whole lot of pity towards them. I mean show a lot of pitiful pity, shower them in it then drown them in it, and soon they go away with tail tucked between legs in shame. But then I wondered after doing that once, was I the bad apple in my actions toward that individual. Can we really have individualism when we want people to be perfect?
          "Bad Apples" a hard issue to deal with, most likely the most difficult issue we as individuals will ever have to deal with.

Make a good cocktail out of them :)
Juice THEM up. In this way they make sense

Thats funny. I wonder if they make good Hard Apple Cider.

hahahaha yummmmmm

Turn them into Manure ;)

What is Manure???

Feritilizer that can be used for farming.

hahahaha thats funny ! yes yes turn them into something useful:)

This is something many people still have not realised, I have to spread this, you get my resteem, I like your works.

thats so nice of you to esteem my article

Throw the bad apple immediately from the basket before its effecting the others apple...


If rotten apples are terrorizing me, I ignore them, or find a way to make them go away. When I see them terrorizing others, I get pissed, though!

I say f--k em!

Steemit-austria seams a great team i hope you guys keep doing well as a European you have my vote :D

Grazias Amigo :) I am so proud to see this team growing more and more every day. I am proud of their contributions.

Excellent article. We have the saying "a black sheep. All the herd spoils" it just comes to the rotten apple :)

Get rid of them before our society spoils rotten "dead".

Positive minded people always try to change the bad ones. They never cut off with them. By their positive attitude often they win the game.
But sometimes one rotten egg spoils the whole community. Now its time to stop him / her to safe the community. Indeed a very fruitful blog post. Keep it up @mammasitta!

HAH! I was a rotten apple in school.

Always missed every class and so on... turns out I simply dislike school and ended up growing up just fine. I took a degree and now I'm a teacher... so the future is a box of chocolates, you never know if you're going to open it up and it will be full of needles and fabrics your grandmother stuck in there in place of the cholocates your glutton of an uncle already ate... but I digress.


No....no. Why ?? what you mean you were a rotten apple? What did you do? Did they bully you?

Nah... but I missed school all the time. so among all the apples (students in this case) I was the rotten one that never would set foot in class :P

It's exactly following our conversation from Sunday :D And I totally agree <3

We know the saying; Wisdom comes with age. The older you become, the better you learn who fits you and who does not. It is important to say goodbye to the people who do not suit you, because they cost you too much energy. How difficult that sometimes will be.

Maybe we are worried to be left "alone"......Nobody is perfect and I like to give chances but the moment it starts"stinking" its better to let go for good!

waw, I believe, you are a wise and kind-hearted person, and the team's cohesiveness is in need of mutual change, success is always a friend?

Thank youuuuuu!!!!

thanks again, kindly 👍👍👍

Well... there are some apples that deserve to be flagged. Like a lot!
But usually I just ignore bad apples and go on with my life.
There are so many good apples in this basket that I don't want to spent too much time with the bad ones :)

I never flagged but recently I started because we are a team of nice people and rotten apples have to learn!

When ever we are united .we are undefeated in team work we are strong

True True!!

Great post, you've said it all, it's not uncommon that will experience an odd person in a team but what to do is not to allow them to influence us. Thanks

very wise words and I am glad that you edited your comment :) that it deserves an upvote

Bad apple dont corrupt good ones.. The good ones get bad because they stay idle and in the same place with the bad ones. Show me your friend and i will tell you who you are- that's the rule.

Hmmmm....That's interesting!

They lean and leach on with their rotten flesh and "poison" the good ones....Nothing much to do other than to get rid of those immediately.

we have to say it is bad if it is, and should be take our respinsibility as well as respect to others.

@mammasitta the thing come to my mind to be honest a bad companion can destroy you a lot it has happend with and that cost me too much actually at that time i was not strong mentally just like today but we improve regularly and thats set how you handle such situation ??

Thats a very tough question ...HOW? We find out over time whats best to do. I suggest that you follow your instincts. What doesn't feel right has to GOOOOO away......

good food good life........

rotten food ...bad life? hmmmm

You make juice before bad apple ahhah.
I think if you have positive behave you always success in all type of exame. Bad or good people everywhere have . When you are good people can change and follow you.
Im sorry my english very poor .
What i understand i reply ..
Stay blessed @mammasitta

and Schnaps :) hahahaa
your english is just fine and I understood very well

Thanks @mammasitta you are very kind hearted .

Stay blessed

I have learnt from my life long experiences and now I am letting anybody hurt my feelings.I just pity those who want to spoil the team spirit among others and ignore them.Ignoring kills them.Because all they want is our attention.But when we do not give them what they want,they just fail automatically

Those are some very wise words young lady!!!! Thats right!!!!

Good and bad certainly must be in every society sikapi quietly

Its the balance of nature indeed but better to make some "apple- schnapps" out of the rotten ones and get tipsy from a little alcohol :)

Think positive to everyone. do good things, to make ourselves better. A good person will always be remembered. A good human being is a human being that is beneficial to others.

nice way of thinking and awesome attitude!

Thanks @mammasitta. That's the way I think about others. I try my best to be able to others in everything. I really like friendship, I am happy to establish sillaturrahmi though just a chat through cyberspace. But, it would be wonderful if one day people I know in cyberspace, can meet directly in the real world.

I feel exactly the same but lucky that I could go to @steemfest 1&2 and also to our Austrian Meet-ups to get to know people personally. One day I wish to meet also you!

I hope so too.

The basket never becomes disgusting because of a rotten fruit
don't hate it for a bad apple, pick that apple up and get rid of it then the basket will be perfect

pick it up gently and throw it away before all apples start to rotten.

that's the perfect action to take

The focus lays on GENTLY :) otherwise juice them up lol

true..they can just turn our lives up side down and completely miserable..i am a very sensitive person and i easily get hurt..so the people those who know me they want to get the advantage of it..sometimes they try to hurt me because i am an easy target to them..now i have understood this..so now i dont pay much attention to what they do..even they say something harsh at me i am saying thank you and treat them with a smile :) they hate to see my smile..why do we need to lose our happiness because of idiots like that..just let them be there..but do not make them to cross your limits :)

I feel the same like you. I am also very sensitive but stand up when "enough is enough" !

It's good to have every part of a team, motivated. Because it is a cross link and it spreads within the team. Thanks for the post

Nice thoughts!!!

Hello @mammasitta,

how are you, i hope you are fine. i wish to be happy all the time. your todays topic is wonderful and nice message conveyed to others.
Those so called "Rotten Apples" exist in every society and communities and according to my point of view throw out of them, because "When A Bad Apple Spoils The Bunch"


I try to be meaningful with my blog and give a positive message or just #food4thought
Cute apple though :)

I am most hobby if the fruit is an apple, I like. post, visit my friend's blog, thank you for always healthy friend.

Of those people there are many and they do a lot of damage, that's why I'm a pear!

sweetness! I love pears and mangos even papaya :)

The mangoes, I love them! Here where I live there are many!

Yummmmm .....I got the best ones in Bali. They are way too expansive in Europe

I do like the idea of dealing of dealing with negative people :)
That is indeed the case !
Trust what keeps a relation strong let alone in the team as well !More strong the trust more the outcome!

sometimes its not about so called "negative" people . Its about spammers, whiners, complainers and poor me attitude people.

throw them down or hang them

i like the spirit of dealing with those the mammasitta style ;)

tit for tat to those people hahah nail it in a single step

i don't let them live them with me just knock them off while kicking on to the balls ;p

Only chaos, destruction and misery to everyone, Muhohaha!
Bad apples will rule the world!

Thank you very much for your information

you are welcome

nice post mam

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