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RE: Happy Father's Day in Advance To My Dad Wherever You Are

in #teardrops7 years ago

OMG :( I still can't read the whole story further because the third sentence in the first paragraph caught me. Still catching some courage to continue. I know how it feels kuya. :( Still know how it exactly feels..


Yes it feels bad if you cannot let go of some grudges you hold even after the one we abhor with is already inside the grave. But, if God can forgive and still continue to love us despite of our sinful human nature, then why can't we? Thanks for dropping by.

I actually have no reasons to keep an anger inside towards my dad, I love him no matter what he have done. But the hatred and grudges I am feeling right now for the person nor people who took away my fathers life? I have no idea if this feeling will melt. I actually do not want anybody to take away this darkness from me. I am still embracing the sorrow they caused to me and my siblings. I can't imagine accepting the the sorry of guilt if ever the time comes. I want to kill them in penance. I would love to hear their screams as they're being tortured. I will take what my father's deserve. They are evil.