Techblogger Is Now '1 Year Old' and Growing Older by the Day!

in #techblogger7 years ago

It is a bit hard to believe that it has been a year of publishing tech articles but as they say, 'time flies when you're having fun.'

Today is an awesome day to acknowledge how awesome it is to have you as a reader and participator in the @techblogger experience. It is a nostalgic thing to think about my first post but here it is:

Here's a brief paragraph showing how I introduced the blog:

Are you interested in technology as it relates to our modern world? I've always had a strong interest in the future. Technology, robotics and AI are all topics that I have a strong passion and interest in. This is why I've decided to start a news service focused on the future. I've created Techblogger to keep you up-to-date with the newest and most obscure information relating to technology and keep you one step ahead of the pack in terms of trending issues.

It's our mission to provide readers with unbiased technology news and reports on issues and developments in technology that are both relevant and important to understanding the increasing complexity of the world we live in. The articles we publish will be of high quality and sourced in a way that all factual information can be verified and checked easily.

Go ahead and let me know what you think about the blog and what types of articles you'd like to see in the near future!

Thanks for reading @techblogger!


Good one mate! 🎂

Happy Birthday My dear friend !!