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RE: Most Have No Idea What’s Coming. And Soon.

in #technology7 years ago

As a mechanic, motorcycle enthusiast and gear head, part of me wants those technologies to remain here forever. I know they won't except for reminders and antiques of a by gone era. But as a thinking, cognizant human I know they are a fading trend in the annals of our industrial history.

Ray Kurzweil and others believe there are humans living on the planet now who will be in effect, immortal. That is crazy to think about. The singularity is here.

While I make my living working on technology that is over 100 years old, I am constantly looking to the future and what amazing opportunities it will bring. And more importantly how can I capitalize on them.

I have read Kurzweil but not the others. Thanks for the heads up. I will add them to my list.

We live in exciting times. And shit is indeed about to get real. Excellent post!
