Let's apply it to this article:
This post has 1100 Characters.
Skipping the first 330 Characters:
a waste. This holds true for nearly every video in the universe.
In other words, Wadsworth claims you can skip the first 30% of any video and not lose much of the meaning. In my experience, this is works quite well. In fact, it was so accurate Google added a hidden feature to YouTube to skip ahead 30%.
Any video on YouTube you can apply the Wadsworth Constant by adding &wadsworth=1 to the end of the URL. If your a keyboard junky like me, just hit the 3 key on your keyboard when you start a video and it will skip to 30% immediately. There is no way to do this on DTube videos as far as I know without just skipping ahead, if there is, let me know!
Give it a try on some videos and see if it holds true for you. I don't always do it, but I do use it a lot.
It still works!