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RE: A.I. Is Scary Because It Implies We Might Afterall Have No Soul

in #technology7 years ago

I disagree with you on this, I think we humans like to play God, we like to meddle and do things which are seen as forbidden or reach and do things which makes us as a species superior. In essence our pride.

By creating AI we want to prove ourselves through the achievements of our species that we are the dominant species. We have created something never before done, we have like created life.


we humans like to play God
seems reasonable
Jesus is not ashamed to call them his brothers and sisters speaking of certain men and women
(Hebrews 2:11)
If Jesus was the son of God...and he said that men were his brothers and sisters.


That makes us baby gods.

play is children's work.

so we better get to work hadn't we?
Playing God seem like JUSt the thing to do..