I thought it was quite cute and you stated upfront that it was a bot. I can understand how some could see it as spammy but it was just harmless fun
I thought it was quite cute and you stated upfront that it was a bot. I can understand how some could see it as spammy but it was just harmless fun
Exactly my point and exactly the reason as to why I added the line saying it was a bot 🙂
Glad you liked it!
You want to put some AI in and get it to converse with people. That would be super cool.
I'd love to learn AI. That would be fun!
It's the way forward for you. You can set up a basic AI very simply.
🙂 In the meantime, I added a more friendlier message saying if they have any questions, to reply to me. I guess it will be better that way.
I'm sure that will be fine. Nice to get a little welcome from whatever source. There are many bots here anyway so what's the harm?
I just saw another bot asking for upvote and follow... Mine doesn't asks anything of that 🙂