Just different words and explanations of it.
Sounds like you just interpret it to mean what you want it to mean and as all of it is vague enough, you can interpret it in any way you want. Just like people claiming their favorite holy book does not include any contradictions.
You are either being a troll, or you haven't looked into this.
Or I just disagree with your assessment.
And, again, I said that the theory of relativity has been disproven. I am sure that you think that if it was disproven you would have heard about it. Because it would be big news. Well, it is big news, and nobody will talk about it.
It's probably because most people wouldn't agree it has been disproved. But please, do point me to the smoking gun if there really is one.
In two generations our current science books will be completely replaced.
I hope so, in two generations we should have solved a ton of new mysteries, so if things continue to stay on course, that should indeed happen. As I said before, the good thing about science is that it doesn't view something being disproved as a defeat, but as a triumph and an opportunity. Sure, sometimes minds get used to the status quo and take time to change, but science is the only thing that continues to progress. What has mysticism created for humanity recently, what technology has come out of it, how many lives has it saved, how has it progressed, what parts of its doctrines has it improved? Or would you say it was perfect to begin with? We can all see the benefits of the scientific approach and the progress that comes with it everywhere around us. Where are the contributions of mysticism?
You see, this is where we differ.
The science books of today will be thrown out because they are useless.
They won't even be good for jokes about how stupid we were back then.
The theory of relativity is based on Michelson-Morley's experiment that "proved" that the aether doesn't exist.
Nikola Tesla believed the aether existed, because it was how his experiments worked.
So did many other scientists.
Then along comes M-M and do this experiment that, would show that aether existed or not. Can you imagine trying to measure the height of ocean waves by measuring horizontally? Well, that is what they did. And so, all of science, from then forward has been in the wrong direction. Because the "science books" accepted the disproof of aether as fact.
So, if the aether exists, how the teach light, magnetism, electricity, time, space, cause-effect are all wrong. Entirely wrong.
Do you know about experiments that show that magnetism travels faster than the speed of light?
Add that to the other pieces that prove the theory of relativity wrong.
Here is another fact that just destroys everything you (and i) have been taught.
Vera Ruben studied the andromeda galaxy for decades. And she discovered that all of the stars go around the center at the same speed. As if all of the stars were glued to a plate. The all spin as one. What does that do to the idea of gravity, black holes, the theory of relativity, dark matter?
It basically throws them all out.
So, if you actually want to learn science for tomorrow, then start studying aether theory and the electric universe. (but you can't read about any of that in today's science books)
Relativity is not hanging on just one or two experiments and has made tons of testable predictions.
If better theories are already properly developed and can explain observations and testable data with the same rigor, reliability and consistency as the currently accepted theories, it will not be long until they become the norm, much less than generations. That's the nature of science and that's what everybody in science is after. Nobody is running away from it, is just that the explanations you are talking about are not as convincing as you think.