Man, what a gorgeous kitchen. I love the cabinets and even more so knowing that the family had their hand in making them. The sitting table is beautiful too. It reminds me of a big cutting board my had when I was a little girl (thanks for the fond memory).
A clean kitchen is the best kitchen. I will eat food I drop from the floor and if I can’t then my kitchen is too dirty. Dandays is really good and helping me out but let’s face it, he’ll never get the place as clean as I do. It’s alright though, I reward his efforts with good food.
Hey, so awesome you hit a curie trail. Was that your first time? Dandays and I were so happy for you when it hit :)
This is where my wife and I plan on cooking for the remainder of our time. In the past I have taken three different homes and renovated all of them including the kitchen. It seemed like I would just complete all of the work and we would sell, leaving behind all the luxuries of a modern kitchen for someone else to enjoy.
Whehever we visit them, we still get to enjoy all the hard work we did on that home back in NJ. At least when I finished the renovations on our last home, including the kitchen, we sold the home to my son @ryan 313.
This is Robin's dream kitchen, and to have her keep it as neat as a pin, just tells me how much she really appreciates it.
I did get curie to up-vote one other post in the past. When you boot up the computer, and realize that a post has received this level of attention, it is very motivating.
Here is the link for the other post curie up-voted.
That’s cool, good for you guys! I’ll be looking forward to what comes out of that kitchen for food fight Friday now :). Maybe with a little finesse, Robin will join us too!