This is huge, and getting huger by the minute!
or at least he wants to beFor those of you who do not already know, @papa-pepper is not what you would call a "computer guy." Most of the time, he's out in the wild on some sort of adventure, . Somehow, after joining steemit almost a year ago, @papa-pepper has kind of made his way to the front of the pack.
Obviously, I had some sort of role to play, but without all of the support that I get from all of you, this would have never been possible. To show exactly how well I am doing on steemit, let's look at some data quick.
8th Highest Overall
Recently, my reputation just made it all the way up to a 75. Now obviously that is just a number and my real reputation is made up of many other different elements, but how does that number fit into the steemit ecosystem.
somehow I currently have the 8th highest reputation of all. This is amazing to me, and I owe you all a HUGE THANKS for that.If you follow this link here to and check out the reputation listing, I am # 8. That means that out of everyone in the steemit community,
10th Highest Overall
everyone in the entire community, I have the 10th highest number of followers. Again, I cannot do that myself, it is only because of all of you.Also, if you look at the total number of followers by following this link here to, you will see that I am # 10. That means that out of
I did something similar when my reputation hit 74, and I'll do it again now as a way to do a bit of research and give back to the community.
Often, people ask me how I do so well on steemit. Obviously, I cannot control who upvotes my posts, so it is really not up to me. In many ways, it has more to do with everyone else. I can't make my followers, reputation, or wallet grow on my own. This all happens because of your support.
Therefore, I'll ask you the question: "Why do you think that @papa-pepper does so well on steemit?"
Please comment below with your answer. I'll wait about a day or more and then choose my favorite comment. Whoever made it will receive 75 STEEM for their efforts. Also, I'm not looking for praise here, I'm just wondering. Please answer honestly.
HEY GUYS! Upvote full steem. This man is trying to build a house for his family and do it debt free. He's an example of living the American Dream that we all can follow! Congrats on your achievement! FANTASTIC!
Thank you for that. Working on clearing the house site and putting the driveway right now!
That is awesome!
The reason you have found such wonderful success on this platform is:
You make "it" all about us.
My brother, you have mailed out insanely hot peppers 🌶 to fellow Steemians, you carefully craft excellent choose-your-own-adventure survival games which you invite us all to participate in, you teach us about nature, you generously share with us how to successfully contribute to the Steemit platform with your instructional videos...
Your success comes from your generosity and sagely making your contributions not about you and instead focus your intent externally, and direct your content for, and about, your readers.
Your massive success comes from both your outward focus and your tremendous generosity.
#papa-pepper-for-president 😉
Cheers to you brother, my sincere thanks for all that you do 🤝
Goodness gracious man!
You are officially nominated as the first Steemian Achieving Celebrity Status!
This comment section looks like it came out of the Congresional Library!
Well done man: You are making a LOT of people very happy and engaged.
Success, by whatever metric...
Achieved it, you have.
👏 🤝
WOW! That is a lot to say, and I appreciate that you feel that way. Incredible reply. I really do care about all of you, because YOU ALL are the community. Without you, there is no steemit! Thanks!
True story - checks out.
Hope to see you in Portugal at Steemfest 2.0 in November!
Papa has been very consistent, and has stuck it out through thick and thin on this site. He is in the top ten because he worked for it!
I think @papa-pepper does so well on Steemit because he is very kind to all!! I honestly think lots of people follow papa because he does a lot of giveaways and games were you can win steem or sbd!! These days that's what most minnows look for contests and giveaways!!
@nba05 Steemit's 13 Year Old Blogger!!!
Yeah, I do not want to succeed alone, so I try to always have at least some sort or contest or giveaway going. Right now I have three!
It is a good way to encourage others to follow you!
As you said it above this is the power of the people when they are allowed to use it freely. Being united makes us unbreakable and in this way we can change things. I read this and i got really excited because people is the power and there is where the power should go. Congrats to you for being lovable to the people and congrats to them for giving you the love. You are the man! 😊
Thank you for that!
Congratulations on the achievement friend :) its lovely to see people helping each other out.. This is how societies should be based on, without the greed for money..
Ate emit is the new world being integrated slowly and a safe heaven for all.
Cheers and much love for you from me.
Thank you.
I don't know much about you as i am on this site since 17 days but what i know about you is very kind to all and helping person. What i notice is here most of people for earning but you are not only for earning but you enjoying and expressing your stuff. Steemit need people like you as they feel proud that you are part of steemit community.
Nice man! Please help me because I was just joined yesterday and no idea what was going on in this platform. As I found out when I post some thing valueble but nobody notice me as I was low reputation. Thanks for your generous.
If you help me I will be glad
oh MAN! I was just celebrating my 1000'th a few days ago -- but DAAAANG man! :D
I think the reason you're doing so well has three parts.
Hard work for a long time.
You've been plugging away on Steemit for months, even through the dip when everybody seemed to loose faith in the platform. You believed and stuck with it.
Constantly improving content.
Your content is good, and it's getting better all the time. Always incorporating new themes and kinds of content.
You've embodied the spirit of Steemit in your account. It is a snowball, and you are continually pushing it forward. You are doing exactly what the platform is designed for.
Well done.Well done @papa-pepper!
Thanks man! I really appreciate that (and I'll work on getting that skype ready too!)
Ok great. It would be nice if was working so we could organize this easier :/
Ok, I'll let you in on a secret -
I'll be offline for a bit though, but that should get you back in. ;-)
** Apprecited Your Work **
I would like to request you please keep posting this type of valueable content for the community of steemit as this platform is growing up day by day .. I would request you that you must support new steemer like me and other .
I am in love with one of my post as a senior steemer I need your Honest feedback regadding that . If you get time from your busy life and write your comment upon it . It will be really apprecited ..
If I missed I do Apoligize for that ...
Lots Of Love For Future Posts
Here Is the link
Regards Sophia Olive
What you do well @papa-pepper, is help us find the best of ourselves.
Wow, thanks for saying that.
I think @papa-pepper does so well on Steemit because he really cares about other people and it shows in how he treats everyone on Steemit, from the biggest whale to the smallest minnow, with respect and compassion.
Congratulations @papa-pepper! You are the best of Steemit.
Hi gregory we have to choose for the survival game
All the best to u and your family, keep on steeming :-)@papa-pepper i think youve done so well because you are a good honest working family guy... you are the epitamy of what the i saw on the first steemit ad... i.e. a regular user can make revenue... and you have. when others didnt and gave up. well done. I take my hat of to you @papa-pepper, for sticking with the community through hick and thin. you have proved hat its not just the whales that can do well on here, youve proved that the working man can benefit.
Neither Rocket Science nor Black Magic ...
!!! GOOD BLESS YOU !!!Hey @papa-pepper, That's Simple, Why You are Getting These Success here...
Because you are truly yourself.
"Why do you think that @papa-pepper does so well on steemit?" My simple answer is - because you are honest. In every way. That's it.
It is something that I strive to do, be honest and be kind about the honesty! Thank you.
Great accomplishments pepper! You're such a great contributer to the community so it's very well deserved. I also remember you being one of the first people who followed me and I truly appreciate that. I think pepper does so well because no one can resist the power of the pepper!
Long live the power of the pepper!
Well deserved! So grateful to have you in the community! Steem on brother, Steem on!
Steem on @bbrewer!
wow sounds like a lot of hard work, keep up the good work.
A lot of work indeed!
Why is @papa-pepper so ridiculously popular on steemit?
Well, you're a fountain of knowledge. And not just worthless things that'll most likely never apply to us but might be kinda interesting to know. No. You teach us things that while we may go our entire lives without needing that information, should out lives take the direction of needing it, that information could easily be the difference between life and death.
Your series The Edible Outdoors is very interesting and holds very important information that everyone should really know. And you present it in a manner that's easy to absorb, easy to reference, and easy to understand. You don't really leave any important questions unanswered.
You teach us about homesteading. Which is another thing that is really important to know, whether your practice it or not. There may come a time in someone's life where homesteading becomes the only option to survival, and when that time comes, they may not have easy access to that information. But what you teach is easy to remember, and if they were paying any attention, they should at least be able to keep themselves alive.
You turned a survival-based critical thinking exercise into a choose your own adventure game. Whether or not they realize it, this game allows us the chance to make mistakes and die in game, but we get to analyse why we failed, and then we can try again the next game. Some decisions are more important than others, obviously, but overall, you're getting us thinking, and giving us a safe environment to practice the things we've learned without the risk of our failures being deadly.
Those things are all extremely important, but especially so given the current state of geopolitics and how it seems like things will only keep going downhill from here.
You also share your life with us. You don't just make posts, you're sharing your life and experience with us. You're also very, very interactive with the community and you're very generous. And it feels like you really care about this community.
Your handle shouldn't be Papa Pepper, it should be Papa Steemit.
In my opinion from least to most impactful reasons:
This is a message to everyone: if you want to succeed on Steemit, you have to have something that adds value to the block chain.
Since I have made original posts, take my time on them, and make sure they provide something to the community in some way or another... I have been overwhelmed with the response, and getting rewarded for hard work makes the payout feel so much more earned.
Anyways Steem on @papa-pepper, and cheers to your milestone.
I have thought a great deal about steemit in general and quite a bit about you specifically Pappa P.
I think about the elements that you bring together to form your own hot sauce, if you will.
You are an early adaptor
You have positioned yourself in expanding niche: homesteading/back to the earth movement
You have a nice writing style with a good mix of pictures and video.
You are a prolific poster with quality content
You have built a community because of your engagement. When I first got on You immediately gave me thoughtful responses and encouragement. -ty
All of these things in and of themselves are just the ingredients,
-I feel like you are a person,like myself that has been road tested. Maybe banged themselves up enough to realize a few things in life. Slapped across the face just the right amount. Lived a little as it were and you came out just fine, just the right mix of heat and smoke with some molasses and wild honey to balance the flavor.
Steem on Pappa P.
Wow! That is a super-cool comment and I like the way that you stated that last part. I think being positive and genuine makes others enjoy stopping by. People know that I will try to encourage them and that whatever I post should be original and solid. Thanks!
absolutely my pleasure.
First, Congratulations on your milestones! I think you do so well here on Steemit because you hit all the marks.
That's about as complete as it gets, for hitting all the marks. Some of the Steemit curation and guild efforts helped build your momentum here, too, because of all that you do so well. Here's to your continued success on Steemit!
Wow @haphazard-hstead! Thank you for that very in-depth evaluation. You can sure bring a lot more observation to the table than newer users, since you've been here for many months and were noticing @papa-pepper even before you joined. Thanks for all of that.
You're welcome. It's been fun watching you grow and do so well here on Steemit!
And thank you for the surprise in my wallet!
Congratulations! And may the best of your past be the worst of your future.
congratulations on your big archievement,its no small feet. the reasons i think you do so well on this platform are thus: don't strugle to get your post.(that is,you write from the heart,simple and easy to connect with.)
2.your name has become a brand here on steemit(when people see a post that has high number of vote,there is this tendency that they will check it out thus leading to more votes
3.also some newbies see it as a way of connecting to you(seeing that your name is almost always mentioned in a very
'thank you,or people that have been helpful kinda post"
Yeah, that could have a bit to do with it! Also, my name is mentioned a lot in positive ways. You're right! Thanks for that.
thank you sir...i will be glad if you follow me :)
I think it's somewhat because you're posting interesting and original content, but mostly because you're doing it with great dedication, regularity and frequency, while doing one hell of a job building a brand around an accessible, authentic, open and honest personality, engaging your fans, and being active in the community. I guess you have a knack for it. A presumably unexpected talent you would have never guessed at two years ago.
No, I'm not envious. Why are you asking?
You are right, without the opportunity and encouragement that steemit offered, I would have never known! Very good point!
I don't know,but probably good posts and the fact that you were "early adopter".Back in the days it was much easyer to get noticed,and with good posts,maybe get on some whale upvote boot list.
All in all..congrats! :)
Like everyone, I wish I would have gotten involved even earlier. Thanks for the honesty!
Congrats bro :) I just spent 2 days doing a post about the Top 10 Closest Evolutionary Relatives ;) If any 1 could support it that would be great as i am only 14 and think its very good for my age :P
I'm new here but I think it may be because you give a lot of support to the community. I mean who doesn't love a contest. In honor of giving back, I made a steemit gif for everyone to use. I'm still rusty in my gif's been awhile. :)

The gif looks great to me! Well done @doctorcrypto!
Holy smokes! Congratulations with all of your accomplishments @papa-pepper! I only signed up last week and you're perfect role model of someone to emulate! Keep up the great content and hope to see more! 😎✌ @peazfulman
I'll keep that content coming! Thanks @peazfulman!
You're welcome! Shakaaa....🤘😎🤙 @peazfulman 😊✌
I saw you, you! >.< >.< and I hate you!
I saw you, donated 1000 Steem to @darthnava for his operation. I also saw you sending 2 x 50 SBD's to @themanualbot for his project to sustain. I saw you doing a lot of efforts for the betterment of the community.
I'll ask you, how does a man like that not be blessed? The main reason why you're receiving a lot of blessings is that because you're giving a lot. You are the true definition of a person with God intervention. Giving without asking in return, but giving because that's what your heart tells you.
This clearly reminded me how the bible says, give and you will receive 77 times what you had given. Thank you @papa-pepper. Truly, a man for Steemit community.
Well done sir, you have diffently earned it. Sit back and enjoy the day, there wont be to many like this one. Congratulations sir
In my humble opinion, I think it's a culmination of several things. Please know that I write this purely from an analytical mindset. Not from any other point of view (that isn't positive). The below are not ranked in any method--just typed as they entered my head.
Congrats on your awesome milestone and here's hoping for many more in your future!
Wow, for a newer user, you bring some very good points to the table. Thank you for your insight and reply!
I think you have a lot of mometem... when you post... you have reputation in the 70's, and +10$ on your post right out of the gate... whale hunters see it and pounce... then the momentum makes your stuff get big..... you are also a good writer :P
It is a journey my friend. I am working on building a houses debt free also. Will be starting on the house when the weather here clears up. Good luck. Don`t give up it will happen.
"Why do you think that @papa-pepper does so well on steemit?" Because he is a man so wild and peppery. That most people can't take the heat the heat that urges them to up-vote and comment on every post.
I think your post are short for the most part, and bring some "thing" that all of us are interested in knowing about. And secretly we all want a $25.00 Up-vote from a 75 Rep whale. So we follow you around a bit to see if we can grab your big giant whale tail. But, seriously, you have made this place fun, and its not always about the crypto aspect.

Yeah, that $25 upvote sure gets its power depleted quickly.
Interesting that you mention the "short" length of my posts. I used to very frequently hear the exact opposite and attempted to adjust it slightly. I know that people are busy and time is precious. Thanks!
Why you do so well on steemit? Easy to answer! Great post content, great iniciatives, amazing photos from your daily adventures, and most important of all, I can't forget your participation on the giveaway to the other amazing guy that was needing help from us all, and you were one of the first to help.
Keep doing like this, and the sky is the limit!
I like you giving away and helping people. I believe that it is through giving that we receive much joy and who knows what we give may comeback to us ten fold.
It is best to give and help. I am glad that you agree!
Poeh, it's gonna take you some time to go through all these comments... good luck with that ;)
I think your success comes from a lot of factors. The obvious ones being consistency and dedication over a long period of time.
Okay, you're more often in the wilderness than behind the computer. But you keep returning to the computer so you keep your audience posted. We never know what animal you'll introduce us to next and while you're playing crocodile dundee we're waiting: which keeps us interested.
By being in the wilderness often you offer something interesting for all of the people that spend more time behind the computer than in the wilderness (obviously quite a lot of people these days).
In addition, you come up with creative challenges and competitions like the wild and strange contest and the steem-pocalypse survival game. Getting people involved and therefore investing in the community. I really love the steem-pocalypse survival game btw but somehow I keep missing the sign up... Shoot, haha! To be continued ;)
Furthermore, from what I've seen so far you're a good man. Helping out others, both digitally and the old fashioned way. A hard working man. You interact with people: You appear easy to approach. And you're honest about why you do things. Transparant, so people can relate.
Maybe most importantly: you're having fun doing it! You can't fake that.
I think all these things together make up the great steemian you are today.
Thank you for being a great part of this awesome community and keep up the good work ;) Congrats on this epic milestone! On your way to becoming a whale.
I, as a guppy, salute you.
Oh, and let's not forget the catchy username :) that also helps.
Very, very good points. You covered a lot there, so thanks for that. I appreciate your evaluation and comment!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:Congratulations @papa-pepper!
Well its all in the wilderness, the vast animals that you can educate. And show it to us, showing us how you do your magic. Thats the main reason by my perspective.
Great job and accomplishment! You are doing good!
New to this congrats! How can I pay my college tuition with this?
Congrats on the mega milestone! Awesome!
However after checking your blog I´m thinking it must be...Ok, so I´ve been on Steemit for aprox 24 hours.. So obviously I wont have a very good insight why @papa-pepper does so well on Steemit.
“The Wild-man’s Wild Friends”!!
Or your beard! Or probably a combination! Yes, that´s it! :)
But, seriously, I checked out a few of those videos and they were sweet!
Plus off course you seem like a guy that´s likable and that care and try to help other people. To me at least that´s the kind of people I´d want to engage with.
So anyways. Again, congrats and well done!
u upvote the content of new users to steemit that makes you so generous and nice hence makes everybody to follow you and upvote yout content.
Thanks for your vote though u r really a nice guy
Hello @papa-pepper u are sincerly the 2nd person on steemit i started following ist being the guy who introduced me to steemit and what i found the reason for ur so huge success is P.s u can upvote my other content @naseerbhat 😊
I think you're doing well here for a few reasons:
First of all, congratulations you truly deserve this success :)
I think there are many reasons why you are doing so well here on steemit:
Thank you for making steemit a great place to stay ;)
This reply reminds me of the one that @avarice posted for my 74 rep contest... he won... I'm just saying...
oh wow that sounds great :) have to look at his comment ;)
You can find it here:
It is near the top of the comments. Thanks!
Thank you :)