Then the vizier said to Shererazade: “Take care that what happened to the donkey and the ox with the master of the plow does not happen to you!
This story that he tells is telling him to be careful not to be as naive as the donkey in the fable, who had to do his friend's job to help his friend. Even though the ox saw everything the donkey did for him, he still turned to the one who was sick to get rid of the tasks of plowing the land.
In life, this story is seen many times that it takes advantage of the friendship and nobility of a person, that it does not matter that his friend is exhausted doing homework, but rather that he continued to pretend to be sick for his friend to do homework.
“However, you should know that I am going to give you good advice; I heard our master say: "If the ox does not rise from its place, it must be delivered to the slaughterhouse to be slaughtered and made leather for the table from its skin! And I am very afraid for you, and I advise salvation! "
But despite the fact that the donkey was noble, at the end of seeing that his friend who was doing it was continuing as sick, he had the brilliant idea of telling the ox that he heard his master say that he was going to send him to the slaughterhouse since he was not performing his homeworks.
But the ox believed his words since he saw that at the beginning he helped him, but he did not realize that it was to activate him again to his tasks.