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RE: On sincerity and self-acceptance

in #thoughtslast year

I believe in telling the truth and it does affect my friendships. As you say some people don't want to hear the truth. As a result, sometimes we don't talk about the things that really matter, in which case I don't know if we can call it friendship anymore.
I was quite shocked to realize that there were people I considered very close, as in extended family members, but there were certain topics that were not allowed. Topics that would have been important to me and my siblings. This realization made me reconsider a lot of things.


Oh, I can understand what you're saying. Not everyone is comfortable speaking the truth. Maybe it's because it requires some degree of vulnerability to do so, and many people are not prepared for that.

But one must have faith, I think, that just as some people move away, there are others who come closer.