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RE: Wishing from up high

in #thoughts5 years ago

Personality matters wherever relationships matter, and that is in any community.

if people come here to build something better together, it will become a form of community social art - a solid base for the architecture.

The architecture requires infrastructure that supports a gallery to be built upon. There is more to it than the UI that most people evaluate.

all of this perception of jealousy and self interest being motivating factors of the marketplace, well, isn't that just a mirror?

It is all a mirror isn't it? I don't hold much jealousy personally though, not since I was about 16 - but then I have worked since then and been relatively self-reliant since then also.

not everyone has that mindset.

Perhaps not, but,

if people treat steem as if its a place to cash in, I feel this lessens the dignity and perceived value.

This is an expectation/feeling of the way things should be, which is fine for you but not necessarily for others who might think quite differently. this sets up personal conflicts and issues because,

I am here for the people and the interaction between minds all bent to a similar purpose.

You can feel that your purpose is being undermined by those who don't understand the value that you see.

sometimes it isn't about the money.

Value has nothing to do with money. Money is just a token.


Value has nothing to do with money. Money is just a token.

try telling that to a capitalist.. this is what I think is warped about our world. we are taught that capitalism is good and everything else is bad, yet having values that oppose or contradict that model challenge the system. If money is just a token, then why do people spend so much time trying to acquire it? rhetorical questions. i just find it ironic.

we are taught that capitalism is good and everything else is bad

Depends on the world you are raised in I guess. I think many are opposed to capitalism, yet happily partake in supporting it through what they demand from the world.

If money is just a token, then why do people spend so much time trying to acquire it?

Because of what it represents and can by turned toward, influence, status and power. Tokens can have value, it doesn't mean that value has to have money.