I woke a few hours ago at about 3 am with a bit of a fever and haven't been able to fall back to sleep. I'll have to be up in an hour so there is no point in trying to get sleep now.
May as well write something.
I think that in the not too distant future (remember I look long) Steem is going to surprise many people. I have always had the feeling that it is going to break expectations, but there is not so much middle ground, it is do well, or it is nothing.
I reckon a lot of projects that felt they had a good value proposition realized that they have not much else but speculation going for them, but Steem doesn't even have that. I am glad about that because all though people like they hype, if there is no foundation for it to fall upon, it will wither to nothing. When Steem had the highest value, not much was getting done and only in the last year of lows has the entrepreneurial grind from the community really taken place.
While I think that a lot of people are doing a lot of hoping, I believe that hope is one of the driving forces of the innovators position, the entrepreneurs mindset that creates the activity to build. If people don't believe that the future can be better, that success is possible, not many are going to work for it. Hope feeds motivation.
I find it interesting how some people don't have much hope for Steem yet still spend their time here. Don't thsy have something better to do, something they feel they can support to succeed? Seems a little ridiculous to waste time on Steem, don't it?
I would say that based on their actions, their words are a lie. They still hope Steem will do well, because they are here - and if they hope it will fail so they are here to see that, they are pathetic. Plenty of pathetic people in this world though, the internet is crawling with them.
However, this has likely always been the way, it is just more visible now. There has always been more naysayers than doers, more "it'll never work" statements than people who work toward it happening. While there is plenty of engineered imbalance in the outcomes, there is a reason why some people will always do better than average, sand there is a reason why average people are negative on those who outperform them.
Jealous much?
I wonder how much negativity comes down to envy and desire to have what others earned. People often make the assumption that if they put their mind to something, they could do it too. It is bullshit.
Not everyone can do everything no matter the effort put in because, each of us are different and therefore are predisposed to probabilities of outcomes. However, those who work toward their goals will consistently outperform those that don't. The consistency and patience required is a hurdle in itself though and most underestimate how long something will take.
Most projects run late because expectations of time required are misaligned with reality. There are always unexpected events and setbacks that either shift the time line or require planning adjustments and it is here that many will falter. Because things didn't go to plan or schedule, they believe that the results are out of reach and give up.
As said, there is a reason why some in life get better results than most in life. While luck plays a large part, perseverance is required. People act like 3 years on Steem is along time to work - a career is 40. A good career is a lifetime.
Some people are better suited to risk and early adoption than others and the speculative coins attract risk takers, while Steem also welcomes anyone to try their hand, to take ownership of experience and digital real estate. The high rate of churn is testament to how many people are not cut out for startup life, the high amount of emotional swing is indicative of how many are not cut out for entrepreneurial decision making.
Having hope is one thing, having the skills and mindset to cope under various types of pressure are other factors entirely.
"I wish that I could, I wish that I earned, I wish that I had..."
Lots of wishing going on and there seems to be more wishers than workers willing to do what it takes.
Time to wake up.
[ a Steem original ]

They are lying , they have hope, but just that steem has not reached their expectation, they are saying it to console for the time being.
Some may, some may not be. Regardless, it is a pretty piss poor position :)
while i agree with some of this, i think that a lot of people coast here on personality or connections and not much work. and i believe that while some people hope that steem does well, I don't feel that equals believing it will do well.
I am here for the people and the interaction between minds all bent to a similar purpose. to me, that is the value. To other people value comes from something different.
if I get upset, its more over the loss of standards. if people treat steem as if its a place to cash in, I feel this lessens the dignity and perceived value. if people come here to build something better together, it will become a form of community social art - a solid base for the architecture.
all of this perception of jealousy and self interest being motivating factors of the marketplace, well, isn't that just a mirror? not everyone has that mindset. perhaps the trick is to let go of believing that certain rules apply to all economies. sometimes it isn't about the money.
Personality matters wherever relationships matter, and that is in any community.
The architecture requires infrastructure that supports a gallery to be built upon. There is more to it than the UI that most people evaluate.
It is all a mirror isn't it? I don't hold much jealousy personally though, not since I was about 16 - but then I have worked since then and been relatively self-reliant since then also.
Perhaps not, but,
This is an expectation/feeling of the way things should be, which is fine for you but not necessarily for others who might think quite differently. this sets up personal conflicts and issues because,
You can feel that your purpose is being undermined by those who don't understand the value that you see.
Value has nothing to do with money. Money is just a token.
Value has nothing to do with money. Money is just a token.
try telling that to a capitalist.. this is what I think is warped about our world. we are taught that capitalism is good and everything else is bad, yet having values that oppose or contradict that model challenge the system. If money is just a token, then why do people spend so much time trying to acquire it? rhetorical questions. i just find it ironic.
Depends on the world you are raised in I guess. I think many are opposed to capitalism, yet happily partake in supporting it through what they demand from the world.
Because of what it represents and can by turned toward, influence, status and power. Tokens can have value, it doesn't mean that value has to have money.
It’s fun to read about lives on different timelines too. It is time to wake up, and hit the hay for your friendly neighborhood black kid. But I’ll say this; I’m always amazed at how some decisions play out — those sayings about effort, time, success — they ring true whether it’s our gain or loss at that instance. I’m on my own now, meaning my efforts are towards my aims. Done with dogma. I cannot wait to see what 7 years on Steem brings. Seven years of photography has been memorable.
Regardless of outcomes, unless winning the lottery, some action invested is required.
Think about how far your photography has progressed from that first image taken. Then, think about how far digital photography has come in the last 20 odd years.
The banks will again fail and our government will fail, that's seems to be already happening.
I enjoy the exchange of ideas and the sharing this community provides.Good evening @tarazkp, well written article. I am a relative newbie to this platform and to the crypto world in general, but my son @ryan313 got us involved a few years ago. What a good move that was. He has been studying the crypto market and all it's entities for about six years now. He is convinced fiat will fail. As far as #steem and the #steemit community, I am in and plan on sticking around.