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RE: A celebrity appearance and thoughts on engagement

in #thoughts5 years ago

I wonder how many people who use YouTube have commented or uploaded a video? I am guessing it is the minority.

I actually think from a creative standpoint, Hive is pretty good for introverts as one can keep some decent privacy until ready, which means perhaps putting on the mask of an extrovert. I always find the introvert/ extrovert discussion interesting though, as people assume I am extroverted, but I don't actually think so.

And not that I didn't try, I did get swept up in the Writers Block community back in the day, even nearly jeopardizing my 9-to-5 by struggling to live up to my own expectations and commitments with a split focus.

Don't jeopardize a real job for this :D - Well, unless you are good at coping with pressure and risk.

I can only admire how effortlessly you and others here cook extensive sheats of mind-expanding content - two, three times a day.. and I can't even manage to READ all of that, let alone cook equivalently eloquent, relevant, and lengthy comments to respond.

I never thought I could or would - but the more I create, the more creative I become. Add in the engagement and it is a feedback loop that keeps turning. I think everyone would benefit from writing thoughts more, even if no one ever sees it.

Do you ever wonder if any of us are built for the world we have created? Sure, some do better than others for periods of time, but we all fail in some aspects.

Glad you stopped by, despite your introversion :)


Nah, youtube is purely for consumption! xD
But there is a slight difference though, youtube counts also views. Here, I doubt anyone even ever reads my posts, well, maybe @m31, if she gets curious as to which blackhole have I disappeared in again. And even if people do read, how would I know? There used to be the little eye thingy way back in the day, so you could see the difference between viewing and voting - it did give an eerie feeling though whenever you saw many reads but no upvotes, and vice versa all the curation and bot upvotes, but no reads. A reality-check either way. :D

@m31 is a stalker. ;D

There used to be the little eye thingy way back in the day, so you could see the difference between viewing and voting

It was taken out of the UI as it was so poor at tracking the views and was easily gamed, just like YouTube - don't believe the hype! :D

xD I know, she's learned from the best! We used to do quite some stalking together back when the grass was greener. xD Ah, good times! ^^

As for introverts/extroverts, the only determinant is how you recharge/regain your energy - either by engaging with people (as we can see all of them poor extrovert struggling in these social distancing times), or by being alone (as we can see all those introverts secretly or not so secretly wishing the lockdown would be the norm).
..and then there are the ambiverts these days now, as well.. go figure. xD

I am "vert fluid" :D

Recovery time is an important factor and I think this is where I have improved, as I can recover from people faster than I once could.

I for one find that for me it depends on the level of emotional investment required of me. I used to be a cabin-crew. One would say - not the right kind of profession for an introvert - to see approx.1000 people each day - yet it wasn't a problem. The same as it's not a problem to unconditionally love the whole of humanity form the security of a cave in the mountains. xD

But and when you have to get down in the trenches of everyday emotional existence of so many different individualized beings and energies.. that's when it gets tricky.

< I am "vert fluid" :D

The same as it's not a problem to unconditionally love the whole of humanity form the security of a cave in the mountains. xD