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RE: Banned on Youtube: El Paso Witness Says She Saw 3/4 Shooters - Not 1. This is A Repeated Theme in Multiple US Shootings.

in #threespeak6 years ago

You think that what your brother does is "shoplifting"? Shoplifting is usually done at the self checkout register, which is why there's receipt checkers, but you think that they can do it with cameras? Or what, "catching" the ones drinking a soda would deter the ones who shoplifting 30x-100x more than that measly 50 cent soda? You think that security guards would do anything to deter the real shoplifters? You don't know what you're talking about, but you should probably put your suggestions in an envelope and mail them to Walmart, someone would have a chuckle-head-shake at your "ideas" and perspective.

"man you can't shoplift at the self checkout at Walmart with all these cameras AND security guards"


Sorry dude you don't have an argument and when you said 50 cent soda that tells me pretty much all I need to know about your understanding of Walmart. They do other types theft incase you haven't heard. You can go and research some vids online where people just flat out roll out loads of merchandise without paying or self check out stuff methods and receipt checkers looking like the only line of defense failed hard stopping such theivery. Not saying all Walmarts are the same but some appear to be severely lacking, and if their security was so great with many cams and even cams in the parking lots by the way then in some of those cases they wouldn't have needed to go to news stations for help.

Posted using Partiko Android

Why should I send them any suggestions? You're the one trying to fight for their cams, I'm just being honest, so I suggest you send them some suggestions so like that you can have better points to make in regards to their security.

This video backs the point I was making, so what's with all these tons of cams and monitors when they don't alert their fellow security about such things? Probably lots of dummy cams in hopes to scare people from stealing and more relying on receipt checkers and some cops nearby in more hopes to scare off stealing.

Maybe you should put in your suggestion if you decide to make one to walmart that they hire more cam watchers that will alert fellow security on the ground or fire the ones failing hard at their job.

Also, receipt checkers seem like a sign of failing security that they have these people annoying paying customers for their receipts and even to some they feel harassed by that kinda thing from what I've seen. It's pretty clear if their security was great as you did try to make it sound then there would be no need for receipt checkers like other stores, plus some people can find receipts outside to use before coming in if they so wished. Smh

You already understood what I said in regards to people watching the cams so that's done and over, but as for you trying to continue on with whatever this argument you were trying to make is still pointless, but after looking at the latest walmart security absolute fail I decided to come to take a last look at your latest reply and compare your opinions vs reality.

The shooter comes armed into a walmart with all these live cams you tried to cry about, and yet the price checker couldnt stop him? Because apparently they didn't seem to have security to try and stop the guy, so the manager when alerted had to pull the fire alarm. This must be one of the severely lacking walmarts like I was talking about which only enforces my point not yours.

Thanks to an off duty fireman the guy was stopped, so what happened to all this security and live cams that you speak of? They also have cams outside surrounding their buildings and should have seen this guy coming you would think! It's sad really to see such fail.

Again I offered honesty that's being backed up by reality, as for the bottled sodas if dollar tree can offer them for a dollar then walmart can lower the price as well, so if you want some 50 cent sodas you're gonna have to hit the vending machines because I actually shop there and am very familiar with their stores and even just the other day a manager was being yelled at and the manager was telling some guy to leave. Maybe he wouldn't have to yell back at rude people to leave if their security was better.

When they have to depend on the news to catch thieves and off duty firemen to stop acts of terror even though they have all these so-called live cams, and you tried to defend that and still keep trying to ramble on, smh... well they're looking worse than I originally thought. Your argument was dead long ago just gonna have to face it. Adios try and have a good life! 👍

"The suspect was taken into custody by Springfield police after he allegedly entered a local Walmart at around 4:10 p.m. while armed and dressed in what appeared to be tactical gear."

"He reportedly grabbed a shopping cart and began pushing it around while recording himself on a phone, Springfield’s KYTV reported. After being alerted to this, the store manager pulled a fire alarm and shoppers fled."

"Police say Andreychenko also attempted to exit the store but was met by an armed off-duty fireman. The unidentified man detained the suspect UNTIL OFFICERS ARRIVED on the scene and were able to take him into police custody."

"Andreychenko left the store after a few minutes and was held at gunpoint by an off-duty firefighter until officers arrived moments later, Lt. Mike Lucas, with the Springfield Police Department, said.
No shots were fired during the incident Thursday. Andreychenko was arrested after he was stopped by an armed off-duty firefighter, Springfield police said. No one was injured."

"so what's with all these tons of cams and monitors when they don't alert their fellow security about such things"

"that they hire more cam watchers that will alert fellow security on the ground or fire the ones failing hard at their job."

Was it really that hard for you to read and understand what was obvious? The knee slapping was also pointless.

You--> "Nope, not only are there hundreds of cameras in the ailes with accompanied monitors showing exactly what they see, but the reason they check receipts is because of"

You been trying to defend walmart through out this whole thing and now trying to back off of that? Now thats a knee slapper! lol

Then I showed a video where people can just walk out with a cart full of merchandise basically proving my point that their cam security doesnt look that great. But to remind since you might have missed it
"Not saying all Walmarts are the same but some appear to be severely lacking"

You have a good one and seriously if you do drop them some suggestions it may just come in handy especially if you can get them to drop the price of those bottle pops down to 50 cents. :)