
I like to chime in when someone not from the UK mentions him. It's my new thing. You will note I didn't respond to your argument merely to the addendum which mentioned dear Tommy.

Looks like joshman doesn't like the comment, but I was thinking this too haha and when I saw some people happy he was on Steem 🤦‍♀️

Yeah, I got that impression too :0D

I'm glad I'm not the only one! The frothing nethered joy of some on his arrival was quite alarming!!

Thank God my parents left the UK.

Posted using Partiko Android

Indeed, they were spared the rise of the likes of that Tommy and assorted racist thugs from the EDL.

Well, congrats on adding absolutely no value to the conversation.

Posted using Partiko Android

I beg to differ but such are the vagaries of free speech!

Ironically my first instinct was to downvote you. Luckily I don't succumb to my worst instincts. I just like to keep it topical.

Posted using Partiko Android

Lol, people often do resort to downvotes for things like that. That Wolfy one did, made me giggle.

Just wait till they're free though, awesomes! ;0D

If you think I refrained because of the cost, you have truly missed the point. But have fun with your free downvotes. I'm sure they will go well with your philosophy on free (for who I agree with) speech.

Posted using Partiko Android

So serious.

My response was quite flippant as was quite obvious I thought.

The last line in particular was a jokey reference to a topic we all chatted about in telegram.

From this you presume that I have philosophy of downvoting those I don't agree with?


How is it ironic

How are you relevant?

Posted using Partiko Android

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