Did you know that a Blue whales tongue can be more or less the same size/weight as of an adult African elefant... =)@surfermarly
Did you know that a Blue whales tongue can be more or less the same size/weight as of an adult African elefant... =)@surfermarly
Haha, OMG... I had never thought about it in such way :-D
Great fact, I'll put you on my list of favorite entries.
Thanks @surfermarly I really appreciate it !!! =)
Congratulations @friendly-fenix! You're the winner of my little #TIL challenge and I'll be sending 15 SBD to your wallet now :-) Thanks for the surprising and funny fact you provided here!!
Thanks a lot this means a lot to me, you are so nice really, too kind! This is like my lucky day!Thanks @surfermarly you are a bit "loquita", but I'll take it! He he!