[TIL] I Can Keep Myself Strong Without Going to the Gym 💪

in #til8 years ago

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Source - Edition by me

My interest in practicing physical exercises starts when I was a child, when I attended swimming lessons at school. As a teenager in the same school, I started to practice athletics (I was champion in some competitions in the school in the category of 100 meters 😁 ), but the sport that really was and until today is my life is Basketball. I played for many years starting with the school team and then playing in some clubs in the youth category until I had the problem of my knee and the obligation to join in the Brazilian army.

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In the army, even with my military duties, I had time to do bodybuilding at the gym that was available to us at the military unit. After the military service, I still continued this activity for 5 years. I was able to define my body well. Arms, legs, back, chest defined, but I had no further motivation to continue going to the gym and nor time due to my professional obligations.

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In order not to be sedentary, for about 2 years I have learned this lesson that I will share with you today, which are the circuit exercises called HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), an innovative method in the practice of physical exercises, where we can do several exercises in a short time. Perfect for those who do not have much time and patience to spend two hours in the gym. You can read more about HIIT in this link.

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According to surveys, this type of exercise when performed regularly, has more benefits than a light training of 1 hour in the gym. HIIT has intense exercises with a short rest period (the interval between one exercise and another is a maximum of 60 seconds and for all the series it does not take more than 10 minutes), so I can concentrate better to be able to perform successfully each series.

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As these exercises work practically all the lower and upper muscles, the constant pains that I felt in the back, neck and in my knee so punished by basketball, were diminished.

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I practice the series usually in the morning, around 6:00 A.M. (yes, I wake up early), in fasting, before breakfast. With this, I can feel more willing and due to the release of endorphin after the exercises, I feel more calm, concentrated and willing to perform my daily tasks.

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Surely the discovery of HIIT was a great lesson for me. Today I keep my body in shape, without damaging and wearing down my muscles, with speed, practicality and great pleasure in performing each exercise.

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Thank You for reading my post!

Muito Obrigado por ter lido o meu post!

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Great post. I also inject HIT and Tabata into 6 of of the 7 days per week. I use to go to the gym but now i only workout out at home. I change between 6 x 3 minute blocks 3 exercises and rotate after 10 reps, and i also do a 15 minute HIT cycle with 20 seconds on 10 seconds off rotating 5 exercises. By using your own body weight ie: burpees,pushups you can create great workouts. I also use some lite weights and kettlebells to help with some muscle assists.....post on mate:)

Thank you very much for your comment @cryptoiskey. I adopted HIIT full time today. I'm getting a much better and more satisfying result than when I was doing bodybuilding (I practiced for 5 years in a row), but my back cannot take any more weight, like steel bars and other weights. Quality of life is everything. :)

I also use to lift heavy when i was younger and not only was i muscle bound and lost alot of mobility, but in general i was always worried about the way i looked. Now i train for to keep fit for a better lifestyle and to keep everyday focus levels higher. It is amazing what you can achieve by just working out at home if you are motivated:).

I have a life long disciplined sustainable consistent and committed regiment of personal health and unequaled fitness of not working out and I've been told it shows.