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Topic: In the Create a New Topic, add a Post to Blog feature

I think it would be good for people to be able to post topics and probably even replies as blog posts instead of just comments on the Steem blockchain for the people that choose to do that.

@musing has a feature like that on their Q&A website and its nice.

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Reply to In the Create a New Topic, add a Post to Blog feature

That is a nice idea! Having it as an option would definitely work and give TokenBB a bit more visibility :)

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Reply to In the Create a New Topic, add a Post to Blog feature

"@musing has a feature like that on their Q&A website and its nice."

Just to be more precise, they have it only for the replies, not for the questions.

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Me gusto mucho, éxitos!!!

Topic: Open up customization options for forum owners.

What i think would be great is if you could allow a forum owner that might pay a premium price or is a subscriber the option of customizing his forum home page beyond the original tokenBB design. That would allow communities to visually differentiate themselves.

If you think about it, communities are basically modern tribes. And how do "tribes" (take a look at football fans) differentiate themselves?
By using different colors.

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Reply to Open up customization options for forum owners.


We will have a theme picker/upload solution in the admin panel in future.

Thats great to hear. Customization is really something that Steemians dont have much access to. (Outside the banner choice)
Its important to balance that ofc. Create design options but still have a slightly uniform look.

TokenBB will change this. We have many plans for customizeability of forums that we won't all release now ;)

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Reply to Open up customization options for forum owners.

We will have a theme picker/upload solution in the admin panel in future.

Thats great to hear. Customization is really something that Steemians dont have much access to. (Outside the banner choice)
Its important to balance that ofc. Create design options but still have a slightly uniform look.

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Reply to Open up customization options for forum owners.

Hi @lordbutterfly, yes we do have plans for custom themes and the ability to specify light or dark at admin level, with user toggle.

We already have a Github repo where anyone can go to customise a theme and then send it to us to apply to your forum. Github Link.

We are also able to add tiled backgrounds currently on request.

We will have a theme picker/upload solution in the admin panel in future.

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Reply to Open up customization options for forum owners.

Testing "Quote this"

What i think would be great is if you could allow a forum owner that might pay a premium price or is a subscriber the option of customizing his forum home page beyond the original tokenBB design. That would allow communities to visually differentiate themselves.@lordbutterfly:

If you think about it, communities are basically modern tribes. And how do "tribes" (take a look at football fans) differentiate themselves?
By using different colors.

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Topic: [Admin] Be able to choose between a full view and a categorized view

Currently the forum shows all the posts in a list ordered by age, where all categories are mixed.

Being able, as an admin, to choose a categorized view could be a good thing.


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Topic: Bring back the dark theme

Please bring back the dark theme. This light one is burning my eyes😂
I know, that a night-mode toggle is in the works but please be nice to my eyesight and switch back to a dark theme while u work on the switch. Thanks 😊

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Reply to Bring back the dark theme

User @nojo121 wrote at 15.03.2019 21:35:13 UTC:

Please bring back the dark theme. This light one is burning my eyes😂
I know, that a night-mode toggle is in the works but please be nice to my eyesight and switch back to a dark theme while u work on the switch. Thanks 😊

Will bring it back very soon with a switch

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Topic: Wordpress plugin

As I saw in your latest post, Tokenbb forums will be hosted on your servers. I guess you will release a Wordpress extension later to integrate one into a WP blog, but if not, don't forget WP users !

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Topic: When I'm in a category and 'm creating a new topic, the category should be preselected

When I'm in a category and I'm creating a new topic, the category should be preselected. At the moment I have also so select a category as always -- Select a Category -- is pre selected.

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Topic: Disable Mobile View (for now)

Since it has been said more than once that the desktop version is being worked on now, but the mobile version is not, I recommend that you guys disable the Mobile Version for now and make the Desktop version the default setting for mobile devices. always shows the Desktop version, even on mobile phones. on the other hand, shows a mobile version, and it might make some bug reports confusing to sift through since you have to determine if it was a Mobile View or a Desktop View.

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Reply to Disable Mobile View (for now)

You're welcome and thank you too @cryptoctopus.

I am so happy to be a part of the TokenBB community, and I'll be one of your active users, and an active supporter 😊👍

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Topic: Add a button to find created topics faster

Something like the Blog button on steemit is missing. I would like to see my created topics, there should be some button similar to the blog button on the site.

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Reply to Add a button to find created topics faster

Like in most forums. That is mostly added to the user profile page. This is definitely a feature we should have in the future.

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Topic: More Profile Information

It would be nice to see more information for your profile instead of taking you back to the buildteam page.

  1. Some things I can think of your x most recent posts so you can see how it's performing
  2. y most recent replies to comments or post so you can stay on top of them.
  3. Contact information (email, steemit account, discord username)
  4. Bitcoin, Steem, or other crypto addresses for tips. (one can dream that I will one day get a tip when this is posted in my profile)
  5. Website
  6. Ignore list

Notifications would be nice.

Also would be nice to have a way to sort posts. (most recent, most views, highest upvotes, and finally some sort of score that combines views, most recent, and upvotes like reddit)

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Topic: About showing rewards for guest posts

I think rewards shouldn't be displayed on guest posts, as they won't be able to withdraw them.

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Reply to About showing rewards for guest posts

Our long term goal is to credit the anon rewards to the user and allow them to create a free steem account the moment they can pay with accredited rewards. Basically them working their way to claim the balance.

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Reply to About showing rewards for guest posts

It would also be an incentive for users to register to Steemit, when they see some people have rewards and not them.

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Topic: After clicking on Categories, the category "All categories" is absent

I noticed that the "All Categories" category is absent when a person clicks on it to select a category. I am not sure about this, but I kind of think that the "All Categories" link should be included in the list of categories, even when a person clicks on the category dropdown menu to narrow their search. EXAMPLE: - There might be times when someone clicks on the categories dropdown menu to narror their search, but decide to go back to view All Categories. I have done this several times and it was uncomfortable to need to click "Back" on my cell phone, and I would have preferred to just navigate to the All Categories link naturally.

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Reply to After clicking on Categories, the category "All categories" is absent

we aren't optimising for mobile until we move out of Alpha, we prefer to tackle desktop issues at this point.

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Reply to After clicking on Categories, the category "All categories" is absent

I notice that this is only true when a person is in Mobile View on their mobile phone. If you view TokenBB in Desktop View on your mobile phone, it shows the "All Categories" category.

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Topic: The Letters of the Categories when you View them are small.

I noticed that there was recently an update for the mobile version of TokenBB. It looks better, but when you click on the Categories, the letters and words of the categories on a Samsung Note 5 are TOO SMALL. When we click on the categories on a mobile phone, I believe the categories should be enlarged almost to the point of filling up the screen (full screen) - that way it will be easy for people to read the categories and see the letters clearly.. especially for people with smaller phones and poor eyesight.

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Reply to The Letters of the Categories when you View them are small.

I just noticed that the version of TokenBB is different on my website, on the letters are not too small, but on the forum that I created, it is.

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Reply to The Letters of the Categories when you View them are small.

I guess domain names that are forwarded and masked to TokenBB forums show the desktop version, not the mobile version of TokenBB.

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Topic: Add more data to a reply's custom_json

...for developers trying to add TokenBB links to @ginabot notifications! :smiley:

Suggested additions:

  • forum name
  • category name
  • topic name
  • topic url

Forum names could be find out easier (and perhaps more elegantly) than scanning the comment body.

Thank you for your consideration :blue_heart:

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Reply to Add more data to a reply's custom_json

@guest.tokenbb: ...for developers trying to add TokenBB links to @ginabot notifications! :smiley:

Suggested additions:

  • forum name
  • category name
  • topic name
  • topic url

Forum names could be find out easier (and perhaps more elegantly) than scanning the comment body.

Thank you for your consideration :blue_heart:

Let's try this quote thing again

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Topic: Suggestion: Pop user back to the last comment they viewed on a thread.

Hi, guys.

If you have been around TokenBB since the inception of the previous user interface I know we can all agree that things are really coming together nicely. This is a project I am fully backing and would love to see become the ultimate Forum Software around.

Now, to help further that cause there are several things that can be implemented to improve the user experience. That is after all the best way to make people return several times over to a forum.

While returning to view a thread, users should be snapped directly to where they last were in that thread. Basically the last comment they viewed.

At the moment that is not available and you have to go through the pagination to find your comment.

You basically have to remember which page you were on in order to find your comment. That would be an amazing feature.

Thank you very much to the TokenBB team for this awesome product. I continue to support you through it all.

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Reply to Suggestion: Pop user back to the last comment they viewed on a thread.

User @thecryptodrive wrote at 23.03.2019 06:06:40 UTC:

That is a cool feature, I would imagine however that would be database heavy unless we make use of local db storage within your browser.

I would imagine so especially when several users are on the forum. I am researching this at the moment for best practice.
PS: I am following you now on Steemit. You have some great stuff on your blog that I have been missing.

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Reply to Suggestion: Pop user back to the last comment they viewed on a thread.

User @thecryptodrive wrote at 25.03.2019 03:43:14 UTC:

@deniskj thanks I appreciate the follow. I checked out your blog and see you are into sports, we will soon setup a Steemsports forum where topic creators will earn beneficiary rewards, would you have interest in running some topics there?

Definitely. That is one of the reasons why this forum software is such a good idea for me and probably several others like me. It easier to get discovered in the sports segment than it is on Steemit.

Let me know what I would need to do to get started.

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Reply to Suggestion: Pop user back to the last comment they viewed on a thread.

Thank you so much for the feedback @deniskj. We will keep that suggestion top of mind are right!

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Reply to Suggestion: Pop user back to the last comment they viewed on a thread.

@deniskj thanks I appreciate the follow. I checked out your blog and see you are into sports, we will soon setup a Steemsports forum where topic creators will earn beneficiary rewards, would you have interest in running some topics there?

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Reply to Suggestion: Pop user back to the last comment they viewed on a thread.

That is a cool feature, I would imagine however that would be database heavy unless we make use of local db storage within your browser.

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Reply to Suggestion: Pop user back to the last comment they viewed on a thread.

User @cryptoctopus wrote at 22.03.2019 18:30:21 UTC:

Thank you so much for the feedback @deniskj. We will keep that suggestion top of mind are right!

We would definetly appreciate that. I am going to submit a request for a forum so I can grow along with the software and contribute to the growth as much as I can.

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Topic: Can the User Interface have both the night and day mode to get the feel of the steem??

I have a suggestion for the team of the TokenBB to create the UI of the forum in both the day and night mode to interact steem users the same way they are interacting to steem platfrom.

Thanking you

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Reply to Can the User Interface have both the night and day mode to get the feel of the steem??

yes of course. We've done so many changes on the front-end that we gave up for a bit trying to maintain 2 themes but as soon as the front-end is a little bit more stable, we'll for sure provide a "theme switcher" and for Pro members, the ability to have their custom theme.

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Topic: Minor suggestions from a minor ;)

Minor suggestions for the team

  1. Show the number of online users.
  2. All time custom signatues are main heart of every forum you know very well.
  3. Markdown editor is not that good for mobile users it may be compact too.
  4. Day/Night mode required.
  5. Thread sub catagories must be shown in main page below the catagories

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Reply to Minor suggestions from a minor ;)

  1. Really good suggestion
  2. I agree, custom-signature will come when we have a profile page for users
  3. We are working on solving that one
  4. Working on it as we speak
  5. I'm not sure I understand that one...

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Reply to Minor suggestions from a minor ;)

Ha ha ha

  1. We need to show topic categorised and sub categories below main topic categories.

Like wise

Show new release



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Topic: Let us add photos and videos to the forum.

Suggestion to let add photos and videos too if possible so we can share screenshots of the bugs found

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Reply to Let us add photos and videos to the forum.

Iframe is a little tricky but we will work on it.


Images work. It's all markdwon for now.

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Topic: Forum Engagement Bot

There should be a way for the community to encourage users to participate in the forums with a regular upvote for participation. This should be somehting that the admin could adjust based on their needs while also maintaining a blacklist for any users who abuse this resource.

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Reply to Forum Engagement Bot

Bots can be abused, we may however look at incorporating some feature to cater for autovoting on your topic.

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Reply to Forum Engagement Bot

quality control can be a problem so each forum owner would need his own blacklist as you mentioned.

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Reply to Forum Engagement Bot

Have added to our roadmap for future consideration

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Topic: Fixing Tabs

We have two tabs of NEW TOPIC. Probably remove the tab on the right or fetch a new name to it. I guess REPLIES to own topic would be good.

Another is bringing the components of the tab ACOUNT below the username tab.

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Reply to Fixing Tabs

We would like to invite you to our Tokenbb-test-group channel in Discord - , looking forward to seeing you there.

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Reply to Fixing Tabs

yes i agree with that removal of one tab, feel free to join us at

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Topic: Intergrate TokenBB with @engrave

I already setup a blog using @engrave and I plan on using their service to host Steem-based websites, but I would love to see TokenBB integrate.with Engrave.

It would allow me to build free Steem-based websites with the added plus of having TokenBB built into those sites.

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Reply to Intergrate TokenBB with @engrave

ok cool I'll put that our our roadmap for consideration, but we have many other things we need to do first.

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Topic: Hall of Fame for Top Users

This is just an idea but it might be possible to create a Hall of Fame of the Top Users for each particular forum.. it can also be a Premium feature that can only be activated for paid Forum Owners.

The main Demo site could list the Top Users acrossed all TokenBB forums while each particular forum would only display the Top Users for their particular forum. But caution should be noted and this feature should be disabled by default IMO since it might crowd people's websites more than some owners prefer.

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Reply to Hall of Fame for Top Users

We also have to consider what metrics to use for the hall of fame/leaderboard, is it most active with replies, or highest value earnings upvote wise, etc, it can be gamed and can cause spam, i would make it a leaderboard that is forum specific and not global, users of a sports forum wouldn't really have anything to do with a forum on homesteading for example.

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Reply to Hall of Fame for Top Users

having the leaderboard localised per forum makes sense also because admins can control leaderboard farming accounts easier by deleting their comments which then won't count.If the leaderboard is global, there is no way for admins to tell if what they are doing on other forums is legit, there is an attack vector where someone could create their own forum for only the purpose of self voting so they can get to the top of the leaderboard rankings.

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Topic: Alpha Testing shows potential so far but some suggestions also must be given to developing team...

Editing a post is not that smooth Editor not looks as cool as we are using on steemit and I suggest to add the same editor as we are using on steemit.

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Reply to Alpha Testing shows potential so far but some suggestions also must be given to developing team...

I actually really like the editor that TokenBB created, but I'd like it to include the ability to upload images. Aside from that, and some of the functions not working, I like TokenBB's editor more.

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Reply to Alpha Testing shows potential so far but some suggestions also must be given to developing team...

And I think it would be good if they allowed us to edit posts, after we post it, if that's what you mean.

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Topic: Marker for new messages

Adding a marker after topic titles on the main page to show topics with new answers.

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Reply to Marker for new messages

We are still thinking about how to best store who saw what already. It is technically not so trivial as there can be a big chunk of data just for views :/

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Reply to Marker for new messages

We would like to invite you to our Tokenbb-test-group channel in Discord - , looking forward to seeing you there.

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Reply to Marker for new messages

Another option would be to allow people to subscribe to a topic, maybe done automatically when they reply. But that would not show new topics as unread or do it time based, where everything older than x is read. Both have their drawbacks

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Reply to Marker for new messages

What might be possible is having each client remember what they saw last. But that would not synchronize between devices

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Reply to Marker for new messages

We have a database backend. The problem is if you have 10000 topics and 10000 users, you get 1000000 unread counters. It basically explodes very fast. So we have to find a way that is useful for the people using it but not breaking down once many use it

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Reply to Marker for new messages

Yes, I realise it's not the same than just using a MySQL database...

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Reply to Marker for new messages

Is tokenbb using some kind of database in conjunction with the blockchain ? It should be necessary for users' profile informations, read/unread informations couldn't be stored in it ? (just asking, I'm not a developer, so I don't know the limits of these kind of systems).

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Reply to Marker for new messages

I understand. I don't know how it is handled on standard boards. I guess it's not so easy. Maybe locally, with cookies ? Anyway the idea to subscribe to a topic is really necessary ! ;-)

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Reply to Marker for new messages

Every PhpBB board has this feature, SMF too... It is materialized by a tick box near the answer editor.

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Reply to Marker for new messages

A subscribe-to-topic feature is an okay idea, but it isn't a deal breaker if you don't create one, especially in the beginning while the forum communities are still small (it might be unneccesary). But if the forum communities start getting really large, with a lot of topics and posts added daily or even hourly.. it might be nice to be able to subscribe to our favorite topics (i.e. subscribe via email). I'm not sure if I'd use it though. Probably not at first.

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Reply to Marker for new messages

I think you can subscribe to topics on bitcointalk

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Reply to Marker for new messages

The subscribe to topic can possibley be handled via email notification or discord notification via GINA, no sense in expending memo costs

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Topic: Support images copy/paste

When pasting a picture in the editor the image does not upload yet. Would be cool to make this happen !

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Topic: Showing the time of topic

We don't exactly know the time the topic is being created, lik we see an hour ago, 15 mintutes ago or yesterday. Time would be good if its added Topics and also to replies. Thanks :)

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Reply to Showing the time of topic

User @xplosive wrote at 14.03.2019 15:00:37 UTC:

The date/time feature in the forum is good, but I think that the date format should be changeable.
There should be a "Settings" option for every user.
The current date format is Day-Month-Year (14.03.2019), but I (and many other people) use Year-Month-Day (2019.03.14).

Great idea! Definitely a planned feature for later, once we introduce user settings :)

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Reply to Showing the time of topic

The date and time feature in the forum is good, but I think that the date format should be changeable.
There should be a "Settings" option for every user.
The current date format is Day-Month-Year (14.03.2019), but I (and many other people) use Year-Month-Day (2019.03.14).

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Reply to Showing the time of topic

We have released an update that fixes this bug. You can read about it in our update log thread in this forum 😃

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Good to know about the updates :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Reply to Showing the time of topic

I think that's a good idea.. or at least the date that Topics and Replies were posted - Sometimes it helps place a post in the right context, based on when it was posted. Example: If there is a form that publishes news, the date might be important.

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Yeah :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Topic: Show an icon on topics you're participating in

Shows an icon before the title of a topic you're participating in on the main forum view.

Alternatively, a page named My topics, listing only topics you're participating in.

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Topic: RC issues

Just a word about new users, who would register on Steem to be able to participate into a forum.

If we (long date members) are aware of RC's management things, new users may not know about it at first glance.

I suggest a gauge under the user name in the header of the forum, and/or a warning when a users posts a message and is getting low in RC's.

That way, he will understand the anti-spam aspect of this feature and will be able to properly manage his RC's for the first times.

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Reply to RC issues

@rishi556 wanna chat wtih us on discord if we can combine that with tokenbb?

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Reply to RC issues


With it's current RC the guest account can do over 200 comments per day, should that not be enough we can just delegate more to it :)

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Reply to RC issues

That is a great idea! We might even allow them to continue participating by leveraging the anon account :thinking:

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Reply to RC issues

BTW, imagine we have lots of users using anon accounts, how are RC's managed ? How many guest users accounts do you have ? And how many anons per guest user account ?

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Reply to RC issues


Got a solution, Still being worked on, but with that and the hopes of direcet integration with dapps like tokenbb, RC issue should be a lot smaller of a problem.

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Reply to RC issues

@rishi556 wanna chat wtih us on discord if we can combine that with tokenbb?

Yea whats your discord?

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Thank you for your attention.Apologies in advance for the spam. This is an automated comment to reduce the voting power of @fulltimegeek, a flat earth retard who is flagging reputable users like @themadcurator, @themarkymark and myself because he's a whiny little bitch who is throwing a hissy fit.Please support these users and follow @themadcurator and @themarkymark.

Reply to RC issues

@reggaemuffin VP and RC value for real accounts tho is a good idea imo, Especially if they are voting, I quite easily voted myself down to 39% VP for being too trigger happy here :) doh

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Reply to RC issues

I've been working on something that can give users free delegations for a limited time period when their RC is under a certain amount as long as they aren't blacklisted by a few blacklists of my choice. Fixing up the final bits of the backend of it, but I hope to get a good chunk of SP in there so new users can use the feature in the near future.

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Reply to RC issues

@rishi556 you can DM me as well when there.

Done, name is Princess#2341 on discord, image is of a beach.

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Topic: Moderation tools

I'm pretty sure it's already in the todo list, but just in case, a report button, not to flag and downvote, but to report a post to the moderation team.

Also, moderation tools will have to include a delete post (not a real deletion because of the blockchain use, but the post would be hidden).

Ability to move a post from a category to another.

The main question is : how can a moderator move a topic from a category without editing it ?

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Reply to Moderation tools

Oh, and of course the ability to ban a user !

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Reply to Moderation tools

Lock/unlock a topic is also needed.

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Reply to Moderation tools

Sure, report post + flag are good ideas.

Hidden feature exists already I can do it :)

Move topic is good!

Ban user is great!

Lock/unlock nice!

adding to task management system now

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Topic: Make the Steem Reward amount clickable.

I recommend that you make the actual amount of each Steem Reward clickable, so that users can view who upvoted a particular post, but I'd recommend against changing the appearance of the numbers (aside from adding a $ sign). I think it would add too much if you underlined it, or made the numbers bold. It's good enough for people to just stumble upon being able to discover who upvoted what without making the Reward amount over-complicated, or "too much". I really enjoy seeing who upvoted what on Steem-based Dapps and personally get discouraged, and in a significant way, when it is hard or impossible to see who voted what.

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Topic: Show complete date instead of post age afer X days

On the main page, post age is shown for every topic. Maybe the complete date should be displayed after a given duration (let's say 7 days).
Sometimes it makes a search easier to proceed.

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Reply to Show complete date instead of post age afer X days

Can you elaborate on what you mean with that? We can edit posts for infinite time now, so there could be payout time, but never completion time :)

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Reply to Show complete date instead of post age afer X days

We have released an update that fixes this bug. You can read about it in our update log thread in this forum 😃

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Reply to Show complete date instead of post age afer X days

I mean, when you post a topic, on the list it shows :
Title................... ..... ..... .... 4 hours ago
Title ......... ....... ...... .....2 days ago
And after some time, it would show :
Title .... .... ... .... ... ... 15/12/2003
instead of :
Title ... ... ... ... ... ... ..15 years ago

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Topic: Automatically create internal links

When I copy a internal tokenbb link into the editing field:

It should automatically be formated to a markdown link with its title. similar to:

Show vote strength in $

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Topic: Viewing votes right away

It would be nice to see the votes and values next to each topic before signing in. I think it would encourage steem users to sign in and for non steem users, they can still guage the post popularity and seeing the value may also entice them to want to learn more about steem.

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Reply to Viewing votes right away

Thanks so much for your feedback @sagescrub, I will log it on our task manager, maybe the forum owner can decided to show or not.

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Reply to Viewing votes right away

Wow that's pretty cool that you got gina to redirect to the forum instead of ;)

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Topic: Upvoting should not be possible outside of a topic

At the moment it is possible to upvote a topic in the summary view. Thus outside without reading it.

I don't think that someone will upvote a topic without opening it. So removing it will not reduce function.

I find it confusing, as I do not know what I'm going to upvote. Will I upvote the last contribution (profile image shown below user) or will I upvote the Author?

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Reply to Upvoting should not be possible outside of a topic

Makes sense, need to know what you are voting otherwise looks like vote abuse.

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Topic: Ability to Turn Off Dark Mode

I managed to turn on the Dark Mode of TokenBB but now I don't know how to turn it off.

I think an option to turn off Dark Mode should be in the Hamburger Menu under Connect.

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Reply to Ability to Turn Off Dark Mode

that would be good, I also want light mode sometime, also may be nice to schedule times of dark/light, some phone apps do that, you can say set dark theme from 8pm to 5am based on your device time, will put on request list.

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Reply to Ability to Turn Off Dark Mode

I am on automatic dark mode, I cannot toggle to the lighter mode. I can't find where's the button.

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Reply to Ability to Turn Off Dark Mode

Hi @iyanpol12, we don't have a toggle button yet to switch themes, we are working on it.

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Topic: Show vote strength in $

Showing of the upvote value in $ at the upvote percentage slider would be great.

It is a usefull information, as the dust threshold is around 0.02$.

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Reply to Show vote strength in $

I suggested that in our internal task manager already, nice idea, much like Steem Plus shows it.

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Reply to Show vote strength in $

@holger80 I think you had reported blank topics and blank postings, earlier.

But I wasn't able to reproduce that by just leaving the topic and editor blank.

Were there any extra steps?

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Reply to Show vote strength in $

just need to show the upvote value in slider still. its in the task manager

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Topic: Private Messages (off-chain)

eSteem will eventually roll-out the abiity to create off-chain private messages between users and I think that's a good feature to have.

You could also make it private messaging a paid feature for Forum owners.

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Reply to Private Messages (off-chain)

Nice to know Esteem is doing this, but I think the core of this is open public forums, private messages don't really fit this idea, neither do private forums which we have declined to do for now. I will add it potentially to the roadmap.

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Topic: Show the time since the last replay for each category in home

At the moment the author which wrote the last reply is shown at

It would be very useful to show also the time duration since the last contribution was made for each category, e.g.

Last Reply before 6 hours
by abc

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Reply to test new topic

@reggaemuffin this doesn't scale properly on the phone

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Reply to test new topic

Nvm apparently still had the old version cached

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Topic: Push Notification for New Posts

I'm not really sure if this is possible with a website but it seems like @dollarvigilante has this on their website and I would personally like Push Notifications for new posts on all of the Forums I will create.

Email notifications would be a second option but Push Notifications on my phone, or Desktop notifications like what Facebook does would be really good.

Once this gets going, I plan on making a career off of discussing things and Forumning - Steem and my stake in Steem might make that possible!

P.S. Active users a.k.a. Super Users might like this feature.

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Reply to Push Notification for New Posts

thank you for the suggestion, push notifications are on the roadmap but in the meantime you can use GINAbot to get instant notifications through Discord on mobile, web, and desktop. After you have downloaded Discord from your app store, follow these steps to setup:hi @chrisrice,

  1. click on this invite to BuildTeam Public server
  2. ..reg chrisricego to #registration channel and type:
  3. follow GINAbot's instructions to verify your account
  4. activate the comment/others option in your notification settings:
  5. done. you will get notified when someone replies tp your topic.

at the moment you will get notified about new replies on your Steemit posts as well but soon it will be separable. (need some development still)

i hope that helps :)
for more info about GINAbot services, check this post.

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Topic: Hard to tell you aren't logged in

Its hard to know if you are logged in as yourself or as anon. I made multiple posts as anon by accident. Also, connecting you account with Keychain caused a bug that forced me to use steemconnect.

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Reply to Hard to tell you aren't logged in

We have released an update that fixes this bug. You can read about it in our update log thread in this forum :)

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Reply to Hard to tell you aren't logged in

We are currently improving that login flow, thank you for your feedback! Sometimes keychain borkes out so we automatically redirect to steemconnect in such cases to make sure there is an alternative.

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Reply to Why can`t I posts on posts?

oh it seems like I can use a anonym user and my steem account?

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Reply to Why can`t I posts on posts?

yip it's awesome, I would like to see a differentiated guest name tho, like guest user#123 so we can refer to a particular guest in comment, have added to task manager

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Topic: Loot and Level System

I would find it cool if you had a lvl system here where you clime lvls by posting and by getting upvotet here. With higher Lvls you then get acces to more smilies, gifs, backrounds or other cosmetics.

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Reply to Loot and Level System

User @jeanpi1908 wrote at 24.03.2019 14:15:27 UTC:

I would find it cool if you had a lvl system here where you clime lvls by posting and by getting upvotet here. With higher Lvls you then get acces to more smilies, gifs, backrounds or other cosmetics.

Asked for the same thing @jeanpi1908 :D

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Reply to Loot and Level System

Yeah I understand that it is more important to make the key feature work first, but small things like that make the flare of an forum.

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Reply to Loot and Level System

We will look at some sort of ranking, there are so many core features we have to tackle first however, but is something that many have asked for.

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