Poet of the Week for Dec 1 - Dec 8

in #topauthorslast year

It's that time again. Time for the Poet of the week!

If you don't remember what this is, it's our new weekly post sponsored by LeoFinance to recognize one of the top posts in this community every week: a top post that all of you vote for. Read more details.

Last Week's Winner

As I already pre-announced last week, all four nominees are winners this week.

Congratulations!! As a reward, all four of you will receive 15% of the earnings of this post when it pays out in a week.

This Week's Candidates

Now let's look at the four candidates for this week's Poet of the Week. These four have been chosen by myself and some of the other mods in this group. Our choices are based not only on quality of poem, but also on engagement in the comments.

And the four selected posts are

Head to the poll → Here

Unfortunately... the polls are still not working. Leo is still keen on supporting this project and this post will still get votes for rewards. So until the polls are back up, it's up to use to figure out how to manage this.

I am going to try Twitter/X. This is only temporary. We want to keep everything in house, so as soon as the Inleo polls are fixed we'll be back to that, but for now Twitter will work in a pinch, I think.

If you don't use Twitter, I will give you two options. Either reply to this message with your pick, or if you'd rather keep your vote secret, message me (dbooster) on Discord with your vote.

That gives three ways to vote. Adding them up might e a little more difficult divided up like that, so I'd urge you to vote on Twitter if you can. But if you can't, there are those other two options.


The winner of the poll will receive 60% of next week's Poet of the Week post.

20% will also be sent to @weeklytops where it will be used to fund LeoFinance's promotion campaign on Twitter. The final 20% will go to @dbooster for funding rewards given to this group on other posts.

A Call to Action

Calling all poets, calling all poets. Please vote to make sure this program is a success. (click to see list)

@stickupcurator @raymondspeaks @a-lass-wonders @aa9 @aamirwattoo @abidemiademok21 @abisag @adedoyin-g @adriangamerxd @affiliatit1010 @agreste @aidee25 @airintsukihana @akumagai @alejandro1799 @alexlight @aljif7 @almightymelon @alther @amakauz @ambigenius @amicablepeace @amiegeoffrey @amnes14 @anarkia @ange.nkuru @angelinacobbs @anggreklestari @anikekirsten @anj @annabeth @anointingaz @antonioeviesart @antonioeviesart @apehjames @arlin19 @artrender @ash2-0 @asif7 @assegai @ast3r @atma.love @awuahbenjamin @azabache2021 @b-rays @babstar @baesick @balikis95 @bayuismail @beaescribe @bemier @bettyhandayani @bigabigail @blackdaisyft @blackdovy @blessingjohn @blockchainbeth @blurtpoem @blx01 @botefarm @boxcarblue @caelum1infernum @carmenaltuve1 @carmencitavdc @cataluz @cesarj21 @chelsie-b @chiddoken @chidubem26 @chinay04 @chinyerevivian @chireerocks @chrysanthemum @chuksmeezy @chyssom @clayboyn @cliffagreen @cloflo @computergenie @concreteshallows @consciouscat @consciouscat @creanovation777 @creeptor @crily.love @crosheille @crypt0sph3ryst @d-pend @dagger212 @danladi @danmaruschak @dante31 @darkfemme @dave7658 @davidbright @dbooster @deepspiral @deraaa @dibblers.dabs @diebitch @digitized89 @diikaan @diosarich @driptorchpress @drivingindevon @drwom @dwixer @dxworks @edujo @edwin638 @elementm @eliiana745 @elisa2021 @elpastor @emeraldtiger @emmaba1 @emomo @emptyintentions @emrysjobber @enginewitty @enletrada @ericus.pappus @erodedthoughts @ervin-lemark @esther-emmanuel @evagavilan2 @evergreenfavour @faithetim @faniaviera @fantom22 @farhanaa @fashtioluwa @fatma-27 @fibonacci2022 @floki-skarsgaard @floruth @forthefree19 @fragozar01 @franciscoluis @fredfettmeister @gabyshau @gatoguedexz @gaurav.art @georgelumayag @germanandradeg @germanbava @giftmbaba @gingerup @ginika @glotokens @godaddict @gone-hive @gravis18 @greenie.girl @grindan @hamsterpoweriii @hanen @happy-dream @haraya @harryhandsome @harryq11 @harulovesanime @havandris @hazmat @hbelakon1975 @heartofdarkness @hekoboss @hermaryrc @hetty-rowan @highsteam1900 @hilbyguy @hiramdo @hitz75 @honeydue @horla-mideh @ianmcg @ifarmgirl @ifarmgirl-leo @inthenow @ipmono @ishwoundedhealer @ismelda2305 @itohowo @itsjunevelasquez @itsostylish @itsprachi @itxilma @itzsamantha @jacco25 @jakim7 @jamesdeagle @jane1289 @japhofin8or @jayblak @jearyjoe @jeremiah25 @jerryzikko @jesuspsoto @jhymi @jianna @jjmusa2004 @jmis101 @joalheal @joelibra @johnbenn @johncarty859 @johnsdowie @joseitosanchezs @josemalavem @joswag @joydukeson @jtaylor145 @juniorgomez @justfocus @justfornature @justme4u @kaixin @kater001 @katrina-ariel @kaysmile44 @kemmyb @kingobonnaya @kingsleymark @kristowe @kriszrokk @ladytitan @latino.romano @lawrence27 @lecumberre @lenaspiritual @leydeatraccionkm @lightedxy @likedeeler @lilougreen @litguru @littlepiggies @liyuxiexie @lizella27 @ljus @lolawrites @loredana72 @lucemtenebris @lukakorba @lv99-rd-chocobo @lydiapauline @lymepoet @lynn2005 @m-kay @maccazftw @maggotmilk @malgarise @manclar @mandala28 @mangomayhem @marconisnghtmr @marilour @markworkout @marriot5464 @martinlazizi @martthesquire @marydelmar70 @matyr @mavido @maylenasland @mbkumasi03 @mbracho @mcaspectacular @meday @mejs @mell79 @mercysugar @mesonia @mharieland @miangel100pre @michaelofurum @miguelmederico @mirilarbarr @missingnins @mistural @mmenyene @moeknows @monoartista @morenxo @mr-chuks @mrenglish @mundomanaure @murliwala @muthmainnah @myklovenotwar @myztiqakusuk @nachomolina2 @nancybriti1 @nancybriti1 @natalialove @natica83 @new-spirit @nickydee @ninong7 @nittovieira04 @noodlypanda @nurudeen081 @oacevedo @obikay @officialrosh1 @olawalium @oldschoolzen @onos-f @opidia @orthodoxnudism @oscarpower55 @overorlando @owasco @oyebolu @paintyourlife @pannyy @peazy001 @penyaircyber @peter32 @philomenob @phyna @poemsofasickmind @poezio @pollenpiggy @portsundries @positivesteem @prechyrukky @pregosauce @primestacks1 @quduus1 @queenneche @qwertpa @radenkusumo666 @rafa-noor @rafa1272 @raj808 @rajiola @ramisey @rene.neverfound @repayme4568 @restcity @rhozolive @rikarivka @rinconpoetico7 @riverflows @roman02 @royaldiadem @ruggedbeardmedia @rukkie @s3ttt @sailawana @saimjan @sakura1012 @sam9999 @saminakhanktk @samiwrites @samsmith1971 @samueluche07 @sapphireissafy @sarashew @sarix @saulos @sayury @schreib.hamster @scottclinton @seha76 @sequentialvibe @sgarciacine @shemzy @shiftrox @shohana1 @silher @silviu93 @sirenahippie @sisc @skyehi @smc.arike.oba @smilejerry @smilejerryhive @sodeeyum @sofs-su @soul-subject @soumikroy @sp3ktraline @sperosamuel15 @spongebob27 @steemtpistia @strivenword @stuartcturnbull @surrealfia @swagatoroy @tahminasyed @takeonrules @tarazkp @tasonia @tayoo @technicalart @tedcipher @tegoshei @teknon @temitopemichael @tess100 @tezmel @thayeblohangen @thecreativecasa @thegreens @thomashnblum @todayslight @toluwanispecial @tonyes @tozill @travellingcogs @trifecta-tt @trucklife-family @tuha.peut @typebox @unholyghost @unpoetaenamorado @validupsetlap @veektur21 @viadelboss @vikbuddy @vinally @vision-of-esca @walkinverse @wanderlust7 @warpedpoetic @weone @whileponderin @whistler73 @whitneyalexx @witherbloom @wongi @writing.group @wrsd54 @xaynie.lee @yablonsky @yahia-lababidi @yaya20 @yen1503 @youloseagain @zakyj @zeleiracordero-2 @zellypearl @zitalove

(If you'd rather not be mentioned here, let me know)


A big thank you to our sponsors for this contest @leofinance, @ocd, @theycallmedan and @blocktrades. And to @anomadsoul for organizing it. Finally, a special thank you to all of our poets! Thanks, guys. We couldn't do this without your amazing talent!

Go Vote

Thank you for reading, now go vote!

All poets and poetry lovers are encouraged to join Blockchain Poets, a Hive community started by @moeknows and run by @dbooster, with plenty of help from @inthenow, @martinlazizi, @stuartcturnbull, @josemalavem, and @amiegeoffrey.

Things you can do to help us grow:

  • Delegate to us. There are perks
  • Comment on each other's posts. Beyond the advantage of making each other feel good, there are perks
  • Write great poetry and be featured in the weekly review where you could win free stuff!
  • Invite other lovers of poetry to our group


Voted for: @trucklife-family

Poetic Journey ahead.@fashtioluwa, @aljif7 & @sofs-su All the best and have a profound

Team @hive-161465 your efforts are appreciable.

Thank you sir ❤️

Right on! 🔥