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RE: Tradeqwik Upvotes its Customers, Encourages Customers to Upvote Each Other

in #tradeqwik8 years ago

The rewards pool is there to reward posts. People have always organized in various ways to get more leverage as a group in order to accomplish something. Tradeqwik is not encouraging the downvoting of anyone's work--that has been done before by people in a ganging up fashion. And once again, participating in anything where we encourage upvoting is optional as opinions vary on how to best direct the rewards pool funds. Thank you for being a Tradeqwik customer :)


I'd think of it as a hot potato.

Yes, folks can band together for mutual benefit, doing so has a long history.
I simply think that encouraging it may be less optimal than just allowing affinities to organically work their magic.

I am a tradeqwik customer because I think it will make great strides in freeing the population from common shared traits that have worked out poorly when applied to the management of large groups of people.

FUD works, banding together works, but each harm more than they help, imo.
