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RE: Trading made Simple #7 - Relative Strength Index (RSI)

in #trading8 years ago

Interesting post... how often do you utilize these kinds of momentum oscillators when making trading decisions? Sometimes, I like to consider the movements of the MACD and signal lines in the stochastic oscillator at the bottom of the charts on Poloniex, but I don't generally allow their movements to sway my opinion for a particular trade.

Do you create your own charts or do you stick to the charts provided by whichever exchange you may be using at the time?

Thanks for making me aware of this investing tool! looking forward to getting to know some others with you.

  • AzB

They are on my screen 24/7...its a must have

Interesting, I seem to have been able to find quite a bit of success with minimal use of such analytics. To each his own I suppose.

Absolutely, although i recommend RSI and MACD, surer easy to use and can save u a ton

I feel you on the MACD tip. I've gone back to analyze currency performance based on MACD fluctuation. It can definitely be a great signal in my opinion!

It is, combine it with RSI and you are golden

Also check out Bollinger Bands...very useful tool

Ahh, yes. I like using Bollinger bands to help indicate whether the price is either above average for its volume or below. I successfully used them this morning to make a nice return on a few different margin calls.