geez, that's one mighty large pizza for a single person, looks like you could practically hide under it if you wanted to... lol
as for the snails, the real secret's in the decadent butter-garlic sauce, yom yom yom! :D
geez, that's one mighty large pizza for a single person, looks like you could practically hide under it if you wanted to... lol
as for the snails, the real secret's in the decadent butter-garlic sauce, yom yom yom! :D
It was the perfect size for me! Plus the crust was nicely thin so there was less than it seemed. You know, those pizzas that have a fat crust? These makes me full after the first three slices :D
Yes! I love snails! They taste amazing in enough butter and garlic!
yeah, we tend to make our pizzas pretty thin crust as well... now, pass the buttery garlic bread too! :D lol
Mmmm, you speak magical words to me! I love everything with butter/garlic. I am told I use too much garlic in my cooking but I do not think there is such a thing as too much with garlic! ;D Okay, maybe there is