Welcome to the Philippines!

in #travel8 years ago (edited)

Sometimes you just need to have fun. I've seen so many blog posts on Steem(it) about ideological, philosophical and other serious topics, but I am not aware of any quality posts just about having fun (other than travel blog posts) with videos of the action. Perhaps there have been some which I missed?

In any case, here is one way I relax at age 51 in the Philippines with my girl friend and her sister. On other occasions we might have a larger group of friends, including some other males (foreigners or locals).

Some where in these videos we had a "Steemit, welcome to the Philippines!" shoutout, but I didn't seem to find it on my quick perusal of the videos. These videos were recorded in July after I earned $4000+ on my first blog post. So we rushed out to buy the ladies some high heels and make a video of how we party in Davao, Mindanao.

Partying and Relaxing In Videoke in Davao

So here are the videos. Enjoy the pretty, sexy ladies and music. Perhaps in the future, I will make a Steemit Filipinas Gone Wild video at the beach with a lot of sexy, smiling, friendly ladies, if this blog post generates a decent return-on-time-investment. These ladies are not professional models and are innocent of all that business aspect to selling their beauty. Note if you do go seeking a filipina in a dating site, expect to meet the ones who only want to use you for the money you can send to them. I know the local language and have a lot of experience at discerning the good girls from the bad girls.

Enjoy the singing, lol. Note I hadn't practicing singing for the past several years, so have fun laughing at my voice.

Some More Pics of My Beautiful GF

Btw, Michelle is 26 years old and wants to make a baby asap. With some of my earnings from Steemit (and note I am bankrupt from my illness and other life mistakes), I will be funding her and her sister to complete their university degrees starting this October 2016. Michelle will be taking up a 5 month course in Front Office (as I said, she has reached the age where her baby alarm is firing in her dreams nightly) and her sister Melanie a 2 year course in Information Technology. Melanie who similarly well-endowed is 22 years old, single and available and as you can see she has different personality from her sister being more serious (and better at math). Michelle is smart in learning new languages.

About Myself

Btw, I am ill with a chronic autoimmune illness which centers around nearly constant pain in my stomach area with remitting and relapsing comicotant peripheral neuropathy and neurological effects which sort of mimic the symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis. Evidence below for those who might want some verification my illness.

You can see my physical body has declined from where I was in early 2015 as evident by this boxing video taken at that time (when I was already suffering this illness since 2012 at least) and this frail looking photo from late 2015.

Here are more photos comparing my decline in weight and muscle mass from early 2015 to recently, which I blame on my illness.

P.S. for guys who are into boxing or martial arts, I only took up boxing recently and I wish I could be cured of my illness so I could train harder and see what my potential is even at this late age. Note I am hitting the bag too low because the bag is too low (for filipino height). Have a comparison my punching power to Floyd Mayweather given we are similar size and weight. I realize I have a lot of technique to learn and my left arm needs a lot of work. I do know that when I was in my 20s (and even recently in my early 40s), I could toy around with the punching bag that is suspended on elastic from the floor and ceiling, and I was able to hit it hard and catch it at any angle with rapid fire punches. I inhibited now because I get pain in my abdomen after about 20 - 30 seconds of intense punching (or any intense physical activity).


Binabati kita! Palaging laging !! Mula sa @steemboad sa mga kaibigan

Sorry for being late to your party (post) but I just arrived on Steemit last month. I too live in the Philippines. Good luck to you.

Just don’t catch Tuberculosis as I did. 80% of the population has latent TB. Careful around coughing people.

TB is very serious illness which has ravaged my liver (not sure yet if destroyed or will regenerate). If you are over age 50, it is very likely you will have liver damage from attempting to eradicate the TB as the antibiotics have to be taken for 6 months and they are liver toxic.

Welcome to the Philippines!

Soft sweet sensuous appealing sexy - innocent? And beautiful. I have met only a few Filipina in my life and have always had positive experiences. Some were younger and some were older. The guys I knew who were married would not hesitate to introduce me to their wives. I think this was because the majority of the Filipina that I met were devout Catholics and cheating was not something their husbands were worried about. Now of course there is always a small minority but I think that is exactly what that was -- a small minority.

As you mentioned you had a medical conditions that you were dealing with and it had taken a measurable toll on your well being. Please don’t rely on western medicine only. As you mentioned you are living in poverty right now but hopefully you will soon reach success with your cryptocurrency development. I am an investor in cryptocurrencies ( modest account ) and am inspired by the recent developments in the blockchain. My latest investment is in Sysnero Amp that I hope will provide extreme growth and profit similar to the way early investors were rewarded with the astronomical gains in bitcoin.

Do continue to exercise daily but remember to always alternate the levels of intensity. You want to make sure you stay motivated and flexible and strong to maintain your daily routines. I must admit being in the states it isn’t hard to find a gym within 30 minutes distance. Putting that aside have you considered a kettle bell routine? These routines can really work your core muscles, create flexibility and stamina and the good thing is there is minimal impact on your joints.

I really could see your muscle mass definition in your gym photo as compared against the photo of you holding the cat. The cat photo does show the frailness of your arms which obviously is indicative of your overall health. You seem to be a part of a local community but is there also a community of Americans that you associate with?

Let me get back to these beautiful Philippine women. I like photo montages because quite often they tell the whole story ( helped by captions ). The photo where the lady in the white shirt is leaning towards you really sends a message of affection.

She is holding onto you and touching you at the same time. I am glad you have a sweetheart to be with. Kinda reminds me of my happier days. Anyway can you add more similar articles when you get the time. Your story is inspirational. Keep up the good work.

I am curious how did you determine that the Philippines would be a good place for you to “hang your hat?” As you mentioned the flip side of meeting women of another nation is that unfortunately there are those out there who simply want to use you for the money you can provide. And while I will not say anything negative against them ( as I do not know their circumstances ) you have to be aware at all times. Stay strong. Just me thoughts, Ron.

Not entirely innocent, lol. But relatively so.

Wow! I really do live in the wrong country. If Trump or Hilary win, we all lose so expect me on the first flight out of dodge. Been wondering where I'd go, looks like I found it.@anonymint

Wanted to take a second and thank you for the honesty in your post.
I'm going to recommend you join #SA1G1 for daily journals, but the decision is entirely yours.

It is very hot in the Philippines, but you may choose a mountainous location for a cooler climate if you are willing to adopt a rural location. If ever you need information, feel free to contact me. @iamnotback at Bitcointalk.org. I am an expert and have been to many of the remote areas of the Philippines. Gotten stuck in knee deep mud during a typhoon in the mountains in Leyte and had to carry an XR200 out.

I may have unlocked the secret to my condition. Fingers crossed.

I've had a chronic GI condition for a long time and don't see why exercise should exacerbate your pain. In general, anything that increases blood circulation should be good for most chronic conditions. Don't give up... find some exercise you can do and get back into shape, man.

Yeah I don't understand it either. Perhaps there is a tumor lurking. I've read they didn't find a pancreatic tumor in one terminal case until they opened him up. Sometimes they just can't see these things on an MRI and endoscopy. But since I am Davao and don't have enough funds, I have only done an ultrasound, which showed roughed liver, sludge, roughed kidneys and 50% enlarged prostate. Btw, I had an acute peptic ulcer in 2012 for which I was hospitalized because it ruptured and was leaking acid into my abdominal cavity and cause damage to the organs. They thought they might need to do surgery but I improved after 3 days. Yet after that I seemed to acquire fungal infections in the lower GI tract.

I had a nasty STD viral infection in 2006 which I think lead to this condition. I had a continual decline from 2006 forward affecting my feet and then leading into chronic fatigue (CFS). This was before the digestive tract issues became acute late 2011 and then finally May 2012. But also I was suffering weekly bouts of dysentery and amoebas in the 1990s. Welcome to poverty. Also have been told from blood test that I had dengue and wasn't hospitalized for it. I was strong, but the poverty stricken tropics have ravaged my body apparently.

Thanks and yes I am trying to fight every day. I been running twice a day even I have pain in my abdomen nearly all the time and worse when I exercise. I think lately though I am fairing much better on the CFS aspect and can typically have several hours a day where I can concentrate and work. Oh and I am still doing intense exercise. I just go in 30 second spurts. I am going all the barbell, basketball, boxing, etc.. But still the chronic ailment doesn't abate. The one thing though is my gym is a 2 hour travel time loss for me, so I am not able to get over there more than about once a week on average. Perhaps if I could get into a bi-daily gym routine, it might be more effective than twice daily jogging. At the earliest juncture that I can (afford to) change my venue to a cooler climate with a nearby gym, I will. I'd perhaps be much more productive.

Note I am taking 80% curcumin (with piperine) in coconut milk, zanehellas.com wild greek oregano oil, vitamin D3, and calcium daily, along with eating lots of steamed and raw vegetables, eggs, boiled whole tuna (including skin and tail), broth, and some whole rolled oats.

Sometimes I think I am doing much better, but then when I compare my boxing video from start of 2015 to my condition now, I am wondering if I only declining. I don't know.

Here is another pic from July 19, 2016:

Btw, I had thought I would not ever post these videos and photos, but I belatedly decided to and the main reason is because I am a cryptocurrency and blockchain developer, so if ever I have a launched project, then I think it is important that I do this disclosure to the public about myself. I decided to do just expend the time and get it out of the way, before I try to go quiet again and do my work.

I am not particularly enamored with seeing myself. But try to be realistic about it.

Also to share about the life in the Philippines.

Very inspiring. Thank you!