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RE: Welcome to the Philippines!

in #travel8 years ago

Welcome to the Philippines!

Soft sweet sensuous appealing sexy - innocent? And beautiful. I have met only a few Filipina in my life and have always had positive experiences. Some were younger and some were older. The guys I knew who were married would not hesitate to introduce me to their wives. I think this was because the majority of the Filipina that I met were devout Catholics and cheating was not something their husbands were worried about. Now of course there is always a small minority but I think that is exactly what that was -- a small minority.

As you mentioned you had a medical conditions that you were dealing with and it had taken a measurable toll on your well being. Please don’t rely on western medicine only. As you mentioned you are living in poverty right now but hopefully you will soon reach success with your cryptocurrency development. I am an investor in cryptocurrencies ( modest account ) and am inspired by the recent developments in the blockchain. My latest investment is in Sysnero Amp that I hope will provide extreme growth and profit similar to the way early investors were rewarded with the astronomical gains in bitcoin.

Do continue to exercise daily but remember to always alternate the levels of intensity. You want to make sure you stay motivated and flexible and strong to maintain your daily routines. I must admit being in the states it isn’t hard to find a gym within 30 minutes distance. Putting that aside have you considered a kettle bell routine? These routines can really work your core muscles, create flexibility and stamina and the good thing is there is minimal impact on your joints.

I really could see your muscle mass definition in your gym photo as compared against the photo of you holding the cat. The cat photo does show the frailness of your arms which obviously is indicative of your overall health. You seem to be a part of a local community but is there also a community of Americans that you associate with?

Let me get back to these beautiful Philippine women. I like photo montages because quite often they tell the whole story ( helped by captions ). The photo where the lady in the white shirt is leaning towards you really sends a message of affection.

She is holding onto you and touching you at the same time. I am glad you have a sweetheart to be with. Kinda reminds me of my happier days. Anyway can you add more similar articles when you get the time. Your story is inspirational. Keep up the good work.

I am curious how did you determine that the Philippines would be a good place for you to “hang your hat?” As you mentioned the flip side of meeting women of another nation is that unfortunately there are those out there who simply want to use you for the money you can provide. And while I will not say anything negative against them ( as I do not know their circumstances ) you have to be aware at all times. Stay strong. Just me thoughts, Ron.


Not entirely innocent, lol. But relatively so.