“If the sun ever shines here?” That’s what I asked myself when I got out of the car at three degrees Celsius and a grey sky.
I was speechless!
It’s on purpose that this article consists almost only of photos. Because all this pain, the suffering… I don’t have words for it. Although photos can’t describe it either, it seemed the best way to me.
It’s place consisting of more than 40 camps. I’ve seen only two of them – Auschwitz I and Auschwitz 2-Birkenau. Enough misery for one day.
That’s why I let my photos speak now:
No photos of the swimming pool? Or how about the gas chambers that were fabricated, this was admitted on film by the curator of the museum, with obvious reconstruction in the foundation? No photo of the “showers” from inside the fence? It’s only a rock throw away. I also noticed you took a picture of the new memorial that says thousands died here, that’s true and nice to see it displayed. They removed 19 memorials there that stated 4.5 million Jews died there because it was a ridiculous lie. The Jewish committee running the museum removed it, not me, don’t disagree with me and the historians.
I will never downvote you or report you. Your photos are great and articles genuine. I just have a different opinion.
Hi Matt,
I have no idea what you're talking about. I took photos of everything I saw and didn't hide anything. The sign said that IN THAT BUILDING thousands of people were MURDERED. That's a very different connotation than how you wrote it, I think. I don't disagree with you or with anybody. I just document what I see... I really don't get the point of your comment. And why would you report me? Sorry if I don't get it. But I really don't!
And btw: The photo of the destroyed brick building? That was a gas chamber....
You should watch this documentary. It’s so full proof YouTube can’t deny the facts presented and call it fake news.
I did the math, for 4 million people to be murdered there for 5 years they’d have to be gassing 92 every hour and that’s continuing nonstop every hour for 5 years. The museum says the “gas chamber” was converted into an air raid shelter for 3 years. With that info you are making up fallacies to say any company has had that kind of production in the history of man. You probably believe Jews made the pyramids too? They are extraordinary manual laborers... until you come to reality.
I only took photos of what was there... I don't comment it, I didn't hide anything, I didn't add anything. It's just a documentation of my two hours there. If you are searching for a fight: please, go somewhere else! Have a wonderful day and calm down ;)
Dear Barbara,
Dutch publishing house Querido would like to use on of your photographs of Auschwitz (the one with the bunk beds) for the cover of the book "Bij ons in Auschwitz". In this book Dutch author Arnon Grunberg, whose mother was an Auschwitz survivor, will collect testimonies about the camp from world literature and oral texts. Would you agree to this use and if so, what would the fee be?
Gaia Cerpac
[email protected]