
Hi Matt,

I have no idea what you're talking about. I took photos of everything I saw and didn't hide anything. The sign said that IN THAT BUILDING thousands of people were MURDERED. That's a very different connotation than how you wrote it, I think. I don't disagree with you or with anybody. I just document what I see... I really don't get the point of your comment. And why would you report me? Sorry if I don't get it. But I really don't!

And btw: The photo of the destroyed brick building? That was a gas chamber....

You should watch this documentary. It’s so full proof YouTube can’t deny the facts presented and call it fake news.

I did the math, for 4 million people to be murdered there for 5 years they’d have to be gassing 92 every hour and that’s continuing nonstop every hour for 5 years. The museum says the “gas chamber” was converted into an air raid shelter for 3 years. With that info you are making up fallacies to say any company has had that kind of production in the history of man. You probably believe Jews made the pyramids too? They are extraordinary manual laborers... until you come to reality.

I only took photos of what was there... I don't comment it, I didn't hide anything, I didn't add anything. It's just a documentation of my two hours there. If you are searching for a fight: please, go somewhere else! Have a wonderful day and calm down ;)