About last night

in #travel6 years ago

So after a way longer day than I expected I am kind of in the clean.

Today was court day.

I had to be at the police station at 9 o clock in the morning.

We left at 10.20...court started around 2...

I enjoyed a ride in the back of a small prisoner transport vehicle. I was lucky enough to not need to wear cuffs.


Overall I was very lucky to have friends knowing the right people so I was able to pay bail on Sunday as the person who is in charge for that is usually not working Sundays.

So I was watching the UFC event on the night of Saturday to Sunday and had some drinks.

The bar is around 500 meters of my place. I know you should not drink and drive...I did it anyway and got caught around 100 meters as I drove into a checkpoint.

There was nothing to pretend to make a turn or a stop so...I was pretty screwed...

I tried to buy my way out and it looked promising but if you set up a checkpoint you need to catch some flies and lucky me was a fly this evening.

At the police station they wanted me to sign kind of a confession. As everything was written in Thai I refused to sign it as I had no idea what was written on there.

The police did not like that...

I was put in jail and luckily my girlfriend has some good contact who have even better ones who could help me out.

Being in jail sucks...there is nothing. A smelly toilet and a floor.

I was going to kind of a mix of emotions with laughing, being mad and scared of the uncertainity what will happen.

In a weired way I am kind of happy that it happen though as it was a totally new experince, not one I want to have again but I got it under my belt.

As mentioned today was court and I had to pay 4500 Baht. I was passing a way bigger holding cell and I think this would be even way more miserable as there were some of the big boys sitting. I had 2 Thai cellmates who were very friendly and I came by a bit earlier today to give them some water and food as you dont get much from the police....and with not much I mean nothing.

I am still a bit binged up as I wanted to appear cool and detached but as mentioned even this day behind bars was a roller coaster of feelings.

As I can kind of laugh already about it I think it will make a fun travle story in the future and as I usually dont have new ideas to write about I might reference it a bit more or go into more details but much more I dont want to share for now...also there is not much more to share.


Oh my god. Wie lange hielten sie dich im Gefängnis? Wo in Thailand ist dies passiert?

War auf Phuket.

Waren ca 14 Stunden nur aber hat mir gereicht schon

Das glaube ich dir, der Thai Knast muss die Hölle sein. Und das alles wegen Alkohol? Wie viel musstest du bezahlen/bestechen um raus zu kommen?
Zum Glück bist du wieder draussen, das freut mich für dich.

Kaution waren 25k baht wovon offizell 20k waren.

Strafe waren 4.5k baht.
Die Kaution habe ich mittlerweile wieder bekommen

Wow du hast Geld zurück bekommen. Das ist aber auch selten.

Das geht ja noch ich dachte du hättest mehr bezahlen müssen. Farang bezahlt immer mehr. Ein Thai kann betrunken rum fahren da passiert gar nichts, nur die Farangs werden immer zur Kasse gebeten.

ja ich denke bei der kaution müssen sie es zurück geben, da dass ja offizeller ist und hatte nen thai bekannten dabei der hat das geregelt.

Naughty Flipstar!

You could have walked 500m!

And even could make an actifit post...yeah should have walked.

So did you went into jail for driving drunken or for trying to buy your way out? Hope all is fine now.

the first one

manchmal kann man darüber später lachen, auch wenn es in diesem Moment nicht lustig war. SuperStory, schon eigentlich filmreif das ganze, gut dass du wieder raus bist und alles ok ist

Wenn ich morgen meinen Pass wieder habe ist alles ok aber sollte keine Probleme mehr geben...eigentlich aber kennst ja Asien

mich hat man mit dem Tuk Tuk fahren geblitzt, 47 km/h anstatt die maximal geschwindigkeit von 40/kmh was man mit dem Ding fahren darf. You are driving HIGHSPEED war dem Polizist sein Kommentar :-))) 15€ Strafe und dann durfte ich weiter....

Mit Quittung oder ohne?

Mit, also ging es nicht in seine eigene Tasche, aber 7kmh ist echt ein Hit. Da gab es bei ihm kein Abzug Tolleranz oder so etwas....

ja stimmt schon.

Mit speeding habe ich hier noch nix mitgekriegt

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