Travel preparations - making a plan and quitting my job

in #travel8 years ago

I just did it! I am a free man! I just turned in my letter of resignation and I can tell you, it feels good!!!

I guess many people often have the fantasy to quit there job and to be totally free to do whatever they want.
Well guess what, Suzanne and me had that too. Actually we had this a little bit to often to keep ignoring it. We kept fantasizing about travelling to all those beautiful places around the world.

One day I said to her, after daydreaming away about how awesome this would be, "why don't we just do it?!"

After looking at me like I am crazy, she said; "haha Joker! We can't do that. We have a job. And what about the house? And how are we going to pay for it?"

Eventually we came to realize that the barrier to actually do this, is not our job, our car, our house or our other material stuff that supposedly ties us down. It is about mindset! We bought it once, so we can also sell it. There are places to store the things we want to keep. Our jobs? There are many jobs out there when we return. If we return!

So the only open question was how to pay for it all. We started by making a spreadsheet of our monthly costs and what we would be able to set aside every month. By looking at different forums and other social platforms we were able to find some average spendings per month per country as a traveller. For us this was a really important step, because now we were able to calculate how many months it would take us to save enough money. We were able to set goals and make a sport of it to even overachieve these goals. It took us more than a year, but we never gave up, because we want this with all of our hearts.

To all the people who keep fantasizing about quitting your job to do something your heart desires; DO IT!
Start making a plan, set goals, don't hold yourself down by doing what society sees fit. If you really want something, then go for it.

On the 28th of august we will start our journey in Malaysia. If you want to join us on our adventures please follow us and we'll share you the world through our lens and our stories.

Have a nice day and remember... GoCoconuts ;)


I hope steemit will give you enogh money to continue to travel as long as you want to. A very good post, I look forward to see what you are going to do on your trip.

Have a nice day :)Thank you @dafro

wow how cool
will definitely follow :)
consider a stop in pattaya/thailand to meet :-) not too far from malaysia ;-)

Will probably come to thailand, so lets keep in touch :)Thanks @chrisx

would be awesome to meet some steemians

Have a great adventure!

Thank you very much @garden-to-eat :)

best what human can do.TRAVEL :) I follow and Upvote.

We like to believe so too! Thank you :)

I look forward to reading you posts. What a cool thing to do.

We will try to keep you entertained :) Thank you, Steven.

I am actually sooooo delighted and excited for you, I will look forward to reading about your journeys and travels :-)

Really appreciate it @scottish01

wow! thats cool! have fun and I am waiting for your travel experiences at Steemit :-)

Have a nice day@fathin-shihab Thank you :) Will sure share a lot so keep following us :)

Really happy for you to be breaking these socially accepted constraints and going out to find satisfaction in life. I wish you the best of luck and will continue to follow.

Thank you for your kind comment! :) @eggmeister I keep laughing about this name. It's great haha. Makes me think of the Stiffmeister from American Pie.

You're welcome, I'm glad it put a smile on your face :) I've used the term for few years now with reference to my old flying projects.

Stick to it! it's a great name!

I want to wish you a wonderful journey and I look forward to your future posts!@gococonuts

Appreciated @breakingtonight Thanks!

You're very welcome, @gococonuts

Best advice and post ever! I never hold myself from making my dreams come true. Love to travel! I wish you guys good luck!! :)

Thank you for your nice words :) @pointtojoin

Woah, guys I'm super happy to read this and I'm whishing you the best! This is a big moment and pretty sure you will not regret it
Followed and resteemed ;) Have a nice day too

Thank you :)Great comment @andrupetria

Love a good adventure... following... and hope u enjoy mine if you decide to follow ..I do have a good one planed ,,,c u out there .lol

Thank you @thelifeofbrian Will check your profile out :)

Congrats on the decision!

Congratulations! I quit my job 2 weeks ago with pretty much the same aim! Crossing my fingers for you! And I'm waiting for updated from your trip!

Sounds great @lonia. What are your plans?

I'm moving to Italy to do internship in hostel (for 6 months). During that time I plan to save up some money, so I can travel to South America (planning 3-4 months trip) and during that time I'm planning to find investors and in the end I'm going to Canarias to open my hostel there.
But it's only a plan, we will see what life gives me :)

That sounds exciting! I hope you will have a great time in Italy and that you will succeed in chasing your dream. Good luck 👍

Thank you! For you as well :)

Congratulations guys! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures.

Congratulations on quitting your job to pursue your dream. I'm enjoying your blog so far. Can you please contact me at Thank you.

I am not sure how the works uptil now, but I'll try to it later today :)Thank you @donkeypong

It's a great step that you both have taken. Wish you all the happiness...

This is so inspiring! You must feel so! I will be waiting to see how your journey goes :) Are you planning to work somehow during your travels or do you have any other way?

Very cool.