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RE: Disassociated

in #travel6 years ago

Beautiful. I enjoyed the sound word journey here :)
You raise a good point about the importance of perceptions, I think I owe many of my thanks to Ketamine and the hands it shakes within my brain which leave me with ever better overview on life in all levels. I couldn't be without it. Not because of a chemical addiction, but because of the friendly assistance it provide my mind.

One thing about tolerance though, it is almost certainly a state of mind with K. With enough practice you can hit the ultimate states on the minimal doses.

I currently wonder how many experiences are projected outwards too. You mention eyes closed, can you also project visuals outwards? I do this rather well, but am yet to learn what that means and how many others do that. Most I know will close their eyes.

Magic it most certainly is ;)

Hats off for an interesting post :D